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I woke up in Cisco's living room and could hear Sara and Cisco arguing in the other room.

"I'm sorry, you want me to tell my sister that the love of her life and father of her child sacrificed himself and she couldn't stop it because her best friend knocked her out and dragged her to the ship, only for your captain to decide the mission that required him to die in the first place wasn't worth trying to do anyway so there was no reason for him to die? And you're going back to Star City, leaving my pregnant sister alone?"

"I'm not leaving her alone, that's why I brought her here Cisco. I dragged her unconscious body away from Leonard, I doubt she's gonna wanna see me when she wakes up."

"Why the hell am I back in Central City?" I asked from the door of the kitchen.

"Ro, hey." Sara said with a sympathetic smile.

"Don't hey me. Why am I not on a timeship right now?"

"Rip decided that there wasn't any point in continuing with the mission. He's convinced there's no way we can win, he thinks Kendra and Carter are dead and there's no way to track Savage and-"

"So he just called it off? He he let Leo blow himself up and we're not at least trying to finish the mission that he gave his life for?" I asked, tears streaming down my face.

"Ro, I-"

"No. I I need some air." I said before walking out of the apartment.

As soon as I walked out the door I ran into Barry who had been about to knock.


"Oh no it's fine. What are you doing here I thought you were you know traveling through time."

"It's uh it's complicated."

"Are you crying?"

"It's complicated." I said again before running off.

A few hours later

I had been walking around Central City for a few hours until I found myself at the warehouse that Leo had taken me to the first time he kidnapped me. As soon as I saw it a sob escaped my mouth before the door burst open and Mick came out with his gun up.

"Girlie? What are you doing here?" He asked, putting his gun down.

"Sorry I um I was just mindlessly strolling and I I guess I just kinda made my way here." I said, crossing my arms and looking at the ground.

"Come on."


"Come on. It's cold outside and you're pregnant and you sure as hell shouldn't be alone right now. I don't do feelings but haircut's inside so you can talk to him."

"Um okay." I said before walking in to see Ray sitting on the couch.

"Rose! Hey!" Ray said once he saw me.

"Hey, Ray." I said before Mick walked in behind me.

"Sit down. I'll make you hot chocolate."

"Okay um thanks." I said, sitting next to Ray.

"What are you doing here? I mean it's great to see you obviously but I expected you to be with Cisco or Sara or something." Ray asked with a smile.

"Well I uh I woke up in Cisco's apartment and I uh I decided to take a walk and that was a few hours ago and I've just kind of been mindlessly strolling since then and I wound up here."

"I mean how did you even know this place existed? I only know because-"

"Don't ask her that, haircut." Mick said from the kitchen, cutting off Ray.

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