Blood ties

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Rose's outfit:

Rose's outfit:

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Waverider, Leipzig Germany, 1975

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Waverider, Leipzig Germany, 1975

"We've arrived in Leipzig Germany. The most current location for Vandal Savage, and by the way Captain, you are urgently needed in the medbay." Gideon told us once we landed.

"I thought she'd stabilized." Stein said as I stood up.

"As did I." Rip said before he ran out, me and Stein following behind him.

"Carter. Where's Carter?" Kendra whimpered out as we ran into the medbay.

"He's gone, Kendra. I'm so sorry." Stein said as I looked at her vitals.

"Gideon, turn that bloody noise off!" Rip yelled.

"Yes, Captain." Gideon said before the alarms turned off and Ray walked in.

"What happened?" Ray asked.

"Kendra is having some issues." I said, looking her over.

"Yeah, I know. What kind of issues?" Ray asked as I injected Kendra with a sedative.

"How could you leave him?" Kendra asked before passing out.

"Is she..." Ray trailed off.

"No, I gave her a sedative but her condition is worsening. If we don't do something soon, pieces of the dagger are going to puncture her heart and kill her." I said, putting down the syringe before Rip walked out.

"The broken knife fragments are moving through her circulatory system and these ones are closing in on her heart." I said, motioning to some fragments on the screen.

"So what do we do?" Ray asked.

"The fragments are minuscule. Even the ship's technology isn't capable of neutralizing them." Stein said and I nodded as I looked over the data.

"Fortunately there is a technology onboard that is. The atom suit. I can shrink down, slip into her bloodstream, and use the photon cannons to vaporize the knife fragments."

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