"I hope you don't end up hating those knuckle heads of a crew I have, they ment the best for you. " a sigh broke from his voice.

"They started to see you pale, sickly looking. They couldn't bare the guilt they had just by standing by, they even made the drug themselves, they had been working effortlessly for a few nights to make it undetectable"

They felt guilty. Why? They didn't do anything. So why?

"They didn't do it out of anything but love Luna-ya, they wanted you to get better but you refused to get sleep which is a major part of recovery. Once they knew you weren't going to change that habit, they forced themselves to put everything up on the line to hopefully get you to sleep"


Is that what love is?

Your heart had seemed to understand the reason as the faint pain you felt disappeared.

"I was even considering it myself yet they just got to it before me"

Law chuckled to himself. 

" what's the point to even explain this, you cant even hear me let alone acknowledge what they did for you. You probably won't understand why they did that to you. But they consider you as a family Luna-ya, we all do"

You started to gather all the information that was being released and it only seemed to make your vision blurry

Salty tears fell down your face as if they had been building up for so long that they had just been finally released.

"They are all worried sick about you, for not waking up at all in the past 4 days. I dont even know if you'll ever awake again"

4 days!?!? The time seemed to be different within these two places, you had been asleep for 4 days in the real world yet in the void only 4 minutes has passed.

You turned around to watch the memories once again and were met face to face with yourself.

The look you image wore was something unimaginable to even you.

You were smiling a full smile, blush on your cheeks, you were happy.

You were so entranced by your image you reached out, surprisingly your image did the same thing.

You placed your head onto the mirror wall.

"How come your so happy?"
"How come your so sad?"

It's almost like both of us had awareness of the other.

"How can I be anything but sad?"
"How can I be anything but happy?"

You lifted your head in shock. How could she be so happy when you had gone through so much. That you had just wanted to stop living at some point.

You were lost in thought, you couldn't comprehend the state the other you was in.

"Luna, have you ever looked at what you've gained? Have you ever realised what great people your crew mates are?"

"NO, HOW CAN THEY BE GREAT PEOPLE, I TRUSTED THEM, THEY HURT ME SO MUCH!" Tears were spilling out of your eyes, you didn't, couldn't understand how these people are great.

"Luna, they did all this for you. They made you sleep so you wouldn't die, they are all so worried about you yet you don't see it. Let's say that law doesn't sleep for weeks and hes looking pale and sickly. What would you do?"

You thought the problem through, you would probably knock his ass out and make him sleep....

"I'd probably make him sleep"

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