Chapter 66

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*knock knock*

"Kook, I made Kimchi jjigae. Do you want to come out and have some?" Jin softly knocked on the maknae's door.

"I'm not hungry!" Jungkook shouted from the other side of the door.

Jin sighed, "Kook you're always hungry, come on you haven't left your room in days. Hyung's worried." He waited but no response. Jin disappointedly made his way to the room next door.

"Tae?" He knocked on the door. "Are you in there?" He called again.

Soon after the door opened to reveal a disheveled Taehyung, he looked like he hadn't had sleep in weeks. Jin was honestly surprised to see him, he hadn't seen Taehyung much and only briefly when he left the house and back into his room or vise versa.

"Tae, I made kimchi jjigae would you like to have some—"

"I don't eat spicy food remember." Taehyung cut him short and closed the door in his face.

Usually Jin wouldn't have any of that but he honestly couldn't blame any of them either. He disappointedly made his way back to the dining room. Sitting there on his own.

"I guess more for me." He mumbled to himself, eating directly from the pot.

His head hurt constantly, memories of her laugh, her smile replayed in his head over and over again. He felt like everything was a dream, a nightmare he couldn't wake up from. He couldn't get the image of her of that night out of his head; the night of their performance, the way she keeled over, pain shooting through her face as she forcibly coughed and cried. The look in Sena's eyes as it met theirs. The hours of waiting, seeing her brother fall apart in front of them. All of it scarred onto his mind.

But sometimes he would think about her, the time where he taught her how to act, the time he saw her for who she truly was.

The most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes upon.

The time where she cried with him, when he stupidly broke his wrist; And especially the time when they sang together, just the two of them as he played the guitar.

The day they shared their first kiss.

Jungkook cried and cried every day, everything reminded him of her and it's caused him so much chaos. It hurt everywhere.

He loved her so much, he loved her more than words could fathom, and just like that, she was taken away from him.

Until that day, everything felt surreal, as if she would never disappear from his side, it felt impossible. Even when he found out how much time she had left, it still felt like it was years away. But this was the first time Jungkook experienced real grief. Real loss of a loved one.

He let out a loud cry, as he curled into himself on his bed. The tears wouldn't stop.

"Please don't leave me.." he pleaded, "I need you Hana, please come back." His voice broke as he cried and cried.

Taehyung sat on the floor. His back was pressed onto the door that separated him and the hallway outside. He covered his ears when he heard Jungkook's cries, as clear as day in his ears; it tore his heart to shreds hearing Jungkook unable to cope. He couldn't stand hearing him so he left, he left whenever Jungkook cried.

"Taehyung?" Jin called seeing him walk to the front door before hearing it close with a bang.

Taehyung bundled up and wore a mask, pretty much obscuring majority of his identity with a cap on too. He decided to take a walk in the night, it was late and had less chances of people recognizing him on the streets. He passed streets lined with trees that were shedding its leaves for autumn. Nights were getting very cold and days were getting shorter.

Out of Time | Bts x OC |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora