Chapter 6

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As the boys filed out of the room, one of them stayed back to help Hana.

"Jungkook it's okay I can do this" she struggles to pull her body weight off the bed without hurting herself. This was something she normally could do.

"No it's okay Noona, I want to help." He smiled at her softly, gently wrapping an arm around her to help her sit up over the edge of the bed.

"You know I can just ask one of the nurses to help me.." she looked up at him as he wheeled a wheelchair close to her side. Curiously looking at the boy treat her with the utmost care.

"I know but I thought I could help this time. I want to help" his bunny smile was showing again and she swear her heart skipped a beat. Furrowing her eyes in confusion she didn't know what that feeling was. Maybe she was feeling sick but didn't know the consequences yet. She felt fine, maybe a little warm but otherwise fine. She snapped out of her thoughts as he took her hand, arms wrapped around her to steady her weight to help her sit on the wheelchair. She could feel the brush of his soft chestnut locks on her cheek as he lowered her down onto the seat, ears hot from the touch she didn't realize she was holding her breath until he let go of her.

"Everything alright Hana?" Jungkook asked in concern as he bent down to meet her at eye level, seeing as she hadn't said anything for a while. She couldn't speak as he caught her eyes, so she just nodded. Her cheeks felt like they were burning.

"Thank you" she muttered softly earning a smile again from Jungkook.

"Anything for you Noona" he quickly responded. "All good and ready to go?" He was standing behind her now, hands on the handles of the wheelchair ready to wheel her out, he bent down to look at her again at eye level.

"Ready when you are Kookie" Hana smiled and off they went out of the doors into the private dining area the hospital had near their own cafeteria for the patients. Along the way she would glance up at Jungkook pushing her, curious to his humming.

"Are you singing Euphoria?" She asked and Jungkook smiled widely and kept his eyes forward to make sure he didn't bump into anything.

"Yeah, you like it?" He looked down at her briefly before moving to press the elevator button. His smile still evident on his face.

"It's pretty when you hum it, sounds like a lullaby" she honestly says before he nods his head in agreement.

"Maybe I could record a lullaby version for you" he was amused by her reaction.

"N-no I didn't meant to ask you to, I mean it's not a bad idea-" she was flustered and started shaking her hands at him furiously.

"It's okay Noona I was just teasing" he pat her head gently feeling immensely endeared by her reactions. The girl was really soft spoken and thoughtful, it was hard not to tease her and treat her kindly, it only felt natural.

The elevator finally arrived and he wheeled her in backwards so to wheel her out easily when they reached their destination.

"Have you done this before Kookie?" She was surprised by how natural it was to him.

"Actually, this is my first time but I may have.." he scratched the back of his head out of embarrassment. She looked at him curiously by his actions and unfinished sentence. " I may have looked up on how to help someone before coming here" he sighed before she could see a slight tint on his cheeks. She couldn't help but smile at the younger ones thoughtfulness as usual. In fact, all of them were extremely careful with her. "Also.." he looked away unable to meet her eyes.

"I like when you call me Kookie" now both of them we're flushed and Hana quickly whipped her head to the front as the elevator door opened with a ding. Jimin was waiting outside at the lift lobby happy when he saw us.

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