Chapter 17

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She felt comfortable, more so than usual. It felt warm as if she was cuddled up into a heated blanket of some sort. Not only were the soft beeps of her heart meter a familiar thing she heard in her room, she could hear a soft snore resonating from her heated blanket only to realize as her eyes shot open that she was wrapped up in someone's arms. Face buried in their chest, the smell of musk but mildly refreshing, much like after a shower. Luckily her right arm was untouched however in an uncomfortable position. Who might this have been?

She managed to shift a little to look up at the face of her once named heated blanket to realize a familiar boyish face. He was snoozing away. She took this time to gaze up close at his features, to his beautiful skin and perfect beauty marks. His grip had loosened a little and she took this opportunity to roll away from his embrace to look up at the ceiling and then back at the boy. She should be flushing right now from the sudden wake up against a god of a human being but she had other things to check on first.

Lifting up her shirt slightly, she peeked at her own skin. Fortunately, the bruise had minimized tremendously overnight as compared to before. This time she'd make sure to take it easy. It didn't seem she was bleeding anymore but her body had to take its time to heal. With a relieved sigh from the pain being close to completely gone, she suddenly felt a hand glide over her waist so gently as if it was too afraid to touch her. She turned towards the boy who was now awake but laying on his side, gazing at her skin.

"It looks like it's gone down quite a lot." He whispered and let out a deep breath, burying his face in the pillow. "Ahh.. I'm so relieved" he muttered into it. She was speechless but reached for his hand.

"How did you know?" She asked before covering his hand with hers to rest gently on her abdomen. Sighing in content from his soft touch.

"I requested to stay the night. They allowed me and Sena filled me in with your condition." He was careful not to make sudden movements with his hand on her. He was afraid he would hurt her.

"Ahh.. that makes sense" she mused but didn't know what to say, to be fair she was in slight shock that Jungkook had wanted to stay the night. She wracked her brain internally.

"Aren't you shy that I'm touching your bare skin?" He looked up at her and a small smirk tugged at his lips.

She thought for a moment before shaking her head. "I've never really been one to think much about it. I always have doctors and nurses lifting up my shirt to check on my scars and stitches to the point where I know they're looking at me in a professional manner. And" she looked at him knowingly. "You guys are not trash people that would take advantage of a sick person" this time she smirked back.

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at her sudden boldness and honesty. "Yeah you're right." He gently removed his hand from her and sat up on his bed. "But I also think you're still a beautiful girl that should be treated with respect" he cheekily smiled at her knowingly before helping her tug her shirt down.

"Wow even the youngest is a gentleman" she feigned surprise. "Your hyungs must have raised you well" she chuckled and pressed a button on the side of the bed to help her sit up a little so she didn't have to lay all day.

"Only learnt from the best" he shyly looked down and then back at her smiling, the both of them just enjoying each others company.

"You didn't have to stay the night you know?" Her hand was nervously fiddling with her blanket sheet.

"I wanted to stay the night, don't worry. I had a really good sleep. I didn't have people running around the house early and have my hyungs shout at me to wake me up." They both laughed at that thought. "Plus, I got to wake up next to you." He said seriously, this time making Hana's cheeks flush like a ripened peach.

She hit his arm playfully in reaction since she didn't know how to reply. "H-how can you say something so cheesy so easily!" Both of them laughed and went along with it.

"You mean you can't?" He chuckled and sat crossed legged next to her.

"Uhm, I never tried?" She thought honestly. Sure she was a veteran when it came to romance comics and novels and dramas but she never experienced let alone try to flirt or have romance with anyone.

"You can try with me come on. Give me your best line." Jungkook egged on. She didn't think he'd be so playful, she really thought he was the shy bunny everyone thought he was. Guess the boy has just grown.

"Alright let me give it a go." She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes with determination.

"Hana, you're supposed to look at me like you're going to confess, not want to kill me" he burst out laughing before apologizing. "How about you relax your face a little, and then gently lift your eyes to meet mine. Imagine your eyelashes fluttering a little at me as if you're too shy to look into my eyes."

She couldn't believe she was taking acting lessons from Jungkook. Then again he probably knew all the tricks from all the videos and photo shoots he's had to do so she obliged willingly. "Like this?" She mimicked and attempted to do what Jungkook had told her to, and once she met his gaze, his expression stilled.

The minute her eyes met his, his heart skipped a beat. He involuntarily swallowed a lump in his throat as she looked way too beautiful. Although she was not in her best of states right now, he couldn't even imagine how she would look if she was in a good state. His heart wouldn't be able to handle it. This is when he knew he fell hard for this girl.

"Kook?" She asked since he hadn't reacted to her question. "Hellooo, kook?" She waves her hand in front of his face which snapped him out of it. "Is everything alright? Was it bad?" She was confused.

"No-Not at all!" He tried to compose himself a little, "b-but you still need some practice! Yes that's right!" He fumbled with his words and started acting all tough and composed.

"Why are you stuttering?" She raised her eyebrows at his strange behavior.

"Wh-what do you mean?" He cleared just throat while his eyes darted everywhere but her face. In his head he was cursing himself about how uncool he was being and how much of an idiot he is. "Oh ah! My hyungs are calling for me let me take this call okay?" He shot up and quickly made his way out the door leaving the poor girl completely confused at what just happened.

"Okay..?" She breathed out a sigh and cocked her head.

Just outside the door as it closed, Jungkook slid down the wall next to it squatting, his head in his palms, ruffling his hair in embarrassment and cursing at himself softly. People walking the hallway in the morning were thoroughly confused. He joked about the call from his hyungs but decided to just call them anyway.

"Hello? Kook? Are you still at the hospital?" Jin answered.

"Yeah.. do you need me there soon?" He sighed.

"Is everything alright?" Jin asked in concern from the younger boys unsteady voice.

"Yeah I'm just an idiot. Don't worry about me, Hana's looking a lot better. She was actually hiding her pain when we visited her and it was bad hyung. Luckily she's much better this morning." He heaved out in one go before leaning his head back against the wall of the hallway. He nodded at Sena as she entered Hana's room.

"I'm glad she's feeling a lot better. But do tell us in detail when you're here though.. Tae is very concerned" Jin insisted. "You can come by in an hour. Sound good?"

"Yeah, I'll be there." Jungkook got up from the floor. "See you soon hyung." With that he flipped his phone shut and breathed out a quick breath and shook his limbs to get himself ready to return into the room where Hana was.

"Okay I can do this" he said before knocking and opening the door again.

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