Chapter 25

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"Is that Yoongi hyung?" The front door closed and the maknae peered behind him on the couch along with Taehyung. In came walking the usual grumpy boy but he came in smiling, confusing the two.

"Is the world ending? What's happening. Why is Yoongi hyung smiling so much. Did he needed someone?!" Taehyung blurted out in fear before Yoongi flicked his forehead.


"Hyung did something happen?" Jungkook asked Yoongi, ignoring Taehyung, the boy was holding his forehead in a pout.

"Oh Hyung is around, how'd it go?" Hobi rounded the corner of the hallway into the living room, heading to the refrigerator for a drink. Yoongi then settled into one of the living room lounge chairs, all attention was on him and he really couldn't stop smiling. He really enjoyed his day.

"Hana can play the piano really well." Yoongi spoke. The maknae's gasped and Hobi had a startled look.

"I wanna hear Hana play the piano too!" Taehyung whined.

"I didn't know she could play, that's cool." Hobi mused while opening a can of Chilsung cider.

"What songs did Noona play?" Jungkook was excited to hear more.

"Well, she played a few classical pieces but she was recently learning how to play Spring day." Yoongi smiled to himself. "I was surprised, she played everything by ear." He shook his head in appreciation of her skills by memory.

"Really?! Wow.." Hobi came to join everyone around the lounge.

"She arranged her version of Spring day, I managed to take it down in an actual score." Yoongi looked pleased with himself. "Maybe you'll get to hear her play too." He smirked at his members, happy to have a one up on something. The boys were always competitive in everything.

"Aish stop making us jealous hyung." Taehyung poured and continued to just watch tv. The maknae was in awe, he couldn't wait to see his Noona again.

" when did Hana learn how to play?" Hobi asked, drinking from the can.

"Ah, that's a sad story. She had a friend who taught her how to play when she was a kid but he passed away a few years back." Yoongi sadly said, the other boys were now had sad expressions on their faces, hearing the story.

Jungkook quickly jumped up from the sofa and ran to his room. He bumped into Jin along the way but decided to carry on.

"Yah Jungkook! Say sorry!" Jin shouted from the corridor as he heard his door shut. Sighing in defeat he made his way to where the others were. "Why was Jungkook in such a rush?" He pointed behind him.

"He probably wanted to check whether he was free soon to see Hana. Apparently Yoongi hyung got to hear Hana play the piano today and even wrote down her rendition of Spring day." Hobi answered, hitting the nail on the head.

"Oh Yoongi, when did you get back?" Noticing the boy slouched on one of the sofas watching tv.

"Just got home hyung." Yoongi replied.

"Hungry? I made extra japchae, I was going to heat some up for myself." Jin smiles at him and made his way to the fridge.

"Sure, Thanks hyung." Yoongi jumped from his chair and sat at the counter.

"Tae, why don't you visit Hana with Kook tomorrow. I need to catch up with a lot of work so I'll probably be busy with the studio leaving you to have some time." Yoongi called while he checked his phone to see what schedule he missed out on and need to catch up with.

"Arrasso." Taehyung got up and went to bother Jungkook in his room.

"Yah Kook, open up." Taehyung knocked before trying the handle, the door was unlocked so he pushed in. He found the maknae too focused on his computer screen with headphones on.

"Oh hyung, what's up?" Jungkook looked up at Taehyung, putting his headphones around his neck.

"Yoongi hyung says we can have the day off tomorrow. Something about him having to catch up on work so we won't be able to use the studio tomorrow." Taehyung leaned against the door frame seeing a familiar character on his computer screen. Jungkook's face lift up.

"Really?! Let's go visit Hana! I'll message her right now." He quickly grabbed his phone and proceeded to text the girl. Taehyung mused at the maknae.

"Do you like Hana?" Taehyung smirked at Jungkook.

"W-what? No! Were just friends is all." Jungkook defended himself and went back to texting the girl.

"It's just you get so excited when it comes to her." Taehyung started playing with one of Jungkook's cameras he found on his bed.

"What about you? Do you like her hyung?" Taehyung froze up from the sudden question, the camera nearly fell on his face but he quickly caught it.

"No, I only like her as a friend Kook." Tae replied and the room became silent, it seemed the two didn't trust each others words. Sighing, Taehyung got up and pat the maknae on his back, "I'm gonna play some LoL now Kook, let's leave about nine tomorrow morning yeah?" Taehyung made his way out the door after seeing Jungkook nod. Once the door was closed, Jungkook leaned back and sighed. He knew he had feelings for the girl since that day they tried acting together, But he didn't know whether it was just a crush or he really did like her.

Taehyung on the other hand really cared for the girl. Unsure whether the feelings were romantic but it was too early to tell, he just knew he loved seeing her smile and be happy and healthy. For the times when she wasn't, he would want to stay by her side and protect her. Both the boys had more thinking to do. Hana wasn't one to pick up on signals anyway, she was too oblivious to love. They guessed they still had some time to figure it out.

The next day..

"I got the day off tomorrow!" Jimin cheered in the morning, lifting up his hands in excitement. "I'll see the two of you for dinner tonight at the hospital. I'll buy something in okay?" Jimin pat both Taehyung and Jungkook on the shoulder.

"Are you staying the night Jimin?" Namjoon asked from his glass of milk.

"Yup! My first sleep over with Hana!" The little Mochi mused.

"So what are the two of you going to do today?" Namjoon asked the two Maknae's that we're leaving soon.

"Well, we were thinking of maybe watching a movie. Hana already told us she had some exciting scary movies planned that she'd been meaning to watch." Jungkook chuckled, wondering how she was going to react during.

"Also the minute we brought up the piano, she got embarrassed and didn't know whether she could play it." Taehyung pouted.

"You can't force her Tae." Yoongi spoke to the younger one. "Anyway I gotta head off. See you guys later." He quickly grabbed his bag and pulled up his mask as he waved to everyone before leaving out the front door.

"Either way I'm just glad I get to spend time with Hana." Taehyung grinned his boxy grin and continued to chew his cereal.

"Make sure you say hi to her for us yeah?" Jin called from the dinning table. "And tell her handsome Jin oppa will make her a delicious meal again." He blew Taehyung his signature kiss.

"Lets Leave out the handsome Oppa and kiss part." Jungkook whispered to Taehyung, the both of them chuckling together.

"Yah! I heard that!"

Out of Time | Bts x OC |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora