Chapter 51

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*ring ring*

Hana stirs in bed from the rings of her phone, who was calling her at this hour? She reached for her phone on the bedside table.

"Hello?" Hana she murmured an answer into the phone, clicking on her bedside table lamp, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Hey Hana, are you free to go for a walk right now?" A deep voice is heard from the other end of the call.

She stretches her arms over her head. "Namjoon? What time is it?" She yawns.

"It's.. oh shit—sorry I didn't realize how late it was." He flustered on the other end of the call.

"It's okay Namjoon oppa, is everything alright?" Her soft voice carried to the other end of the line, Namjoon however wasn't feeling his best.

"Yeah, I've just been working in the studio all day and lost track of time. I really thought it was evening, sorry Hana." He rubbed his forehead.

"Oppa, it's okay. You sound a little stressed.. would you like to just stay and chat for a while? I don't think I'm able to leave the hospital so late at night." She giggled softly, playing with the ears of her Kookie stuffed pillow.

Namjoon heaved out a sigh and nodded to himself, "Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you Hana.. but aren't you tired? It sounded like I woke you up." He leaned back in his studio chair.

"Oppa, really it's alright. In fact I miss you, out of everyone I see you the least." She softly says, Namjoon has his eyes closed, relishing every word that leaves her mouth. A familiar smile appears on his face as a low rumble of a chuckle erupts from his chest.

"I miss you too Hana, I'm sorry I'm not as free as the others but we can probably talk like this more often if you'd like"

She smiled hearing his words and picked up her Koya doll now, she examined the koala's sleepy but peaceful eyes.

"That would be really nice Oppa, thank you but don't force yourself alright?"

"I won't." He continued to smile, he loved that she cared a lot about them, but days were getting harder. The pressures of producing new songs and keeping the group in order was really getting to him. These days he'd be in his studio for hours on end much like Yoongi, he hardly saw his members too and only on occasional dinners at home. He hardly had time to think for himself even if they had been given more free time.

"Is there something on your mind?" She asked as if reading his mind. He guessed the prolonged silence was what gave it away.

"Yeah Hana actually.. can I ask you something pretty personal. You don't have to answer if you don't want to of course." He spoke.

"Yeah of course Joon oppa." She answered immediately.

"Is there anyone in BTS that you like? Like romantically involved with, kind of like?" He bluntly said, he played with his pen on the table, flipping it between his fingers.

There's was a prolonged silence and Namjoon was feeling guiltier for asking by the second. Little did he know she was blushing like crazy on her end, this question was always playing on her mind.

"Actually Hana don't worry about —"

"—No! Wait." She interrupted him.

"Uhm, can I be honest with you?" She felt like she needed to talk about it to someone, it's been eating at her for a while and she had no one to discuss it with.

"Of course Hana, I promise not to tell the others either if you don't want" he assured her.

Taking a deep breath she nodded to self, she could do this.

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