Chapter 60

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The breeze fluttered through her hair, tickling her nose making her eyes flutter open. The sun shone bright down at her, she didn't feel her chest pains anymore, no coughing, no blood, nothing.

She felt alive, but at the same time, something didn't feel right.

A butterfly fluttered just above her, a bright blue butterfly, wings glittering in the sunlight caught her eye.

Below her she didn't feel her bed, instead it crunched beneath her when she moved as she slowly sat up adjusting to her surroundings, she was in a field of white flowers.

White Lily's.

Where am I?

She breathed in the breeze as it swept a pleasant scent of flowers and warm sunshine through the air. The place looked familiar, fields of rolling hills and a single tree sat in the middle of it.

Dusting herself off, she realized what she was wearing. A bright yellow dress, much like the one she once wore as a kid. She looked around her but it was empty, just an open field of flowers and a lonely tree.

"Hello!" She called.

But no answer came.

"We have an emergency! This is Code Blue! patients lungs are collapsing and there's internal bleeding we need medical assistance in operating room 3 stat!" Dr Hyun woo shouted as he wheeled Hana through the halls.

Sounds of squeaking wheels and bustling of nurses and doctors ran through the halls of the hospital.

"Hana" Sena called out. "Hana please Hang in there." She ran with the other doctors and nurses to get her into the operation studio. Hana was barely breathing, even with the respirator, her pulse was getting faint.

"Miss Sena, we will need you to stay out here during the operation." Dr Hyun woo spoke out to her.

Her face contorted, "I need to be with her!"

"Miss Sena I'm sorry, you're too emotionally attached to the girl, by new law you're unable to be in the operation room anymore." He apologized as they wheeled Hana into the room, the doors shutting in her face. The operation light turned on.

She wasn't related to Hana by blood but she for sure was a part of her family regardless. The young girl was everything to her, she loved her as if she were her own daughter or younger sister. The nurse finally crumbled to the ground letting her emotions finally take her.

Suddenly arms wrapped around her, She looked up surprised to see Manager Sejin, a sad smile on his face.

"Sejin.." she whispered and now noticed the seven boys around them with either very worried or solemn faces.

"Miss Sena, please have a seat." Sejin helped her up and directed her to a seat nearby. He kneeled in front of her, as she finally broke down into tears again.

"Joon, can you go get her some tissues please." Sejin called, the leader nodded and walked off.

Jungkook slid down the wall, head in his hands unable to handle the situation. The others either leaned on the wall or collapsed on the seats. None of them wanted to lift their heads.

"Sena, you need to breathe. You've done what you had to do for her and now we just need to believe in those doctors in there." Sejin tried to calm her down. She could hear his words clearly and began trying to take deep breaths.


A voice startled her. Jungkook tensed and Namjoon stopped in his tracks, tissues in hand.

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