Chapter 17

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Abby could feel the soft breathing coming from beside her.   She tried to move, but realized his arm was draped over her stomach and his leg was draped over her calves.  She smiled to herself and relaxed into the bed. 

His place was small, but cozy.  One open room with a small kitchen to the right of the front door, a small living area with a nice sized television and Xbox in the middle then to the left was the sleeping area.  There was one other room that housed a small bathroom with a small closet area dividing the two areas. It fit his personality. 

She pulled the white t-shirt up to her nose and took in the smell of him.  She told him that she had no problem sleeping in her clothes, but he wouldn’t hear of it.  So, she changed in the little bathroom and came out to find him stretched on the bed in a pair of sweatpants and wife beater. 

They settled into bed, sharing a few more kisses and then talked until they both fell asleep.  Talking to him was becoming one of her favorite activities.  She could just be herself without getting lectured about where her life was going.  He always wanted to hear what she had to say about anything and everything.  Juice, on the other hand, didn’t talk as much.  Anytime she would ask him about his past, he would find a way to get the conversation back to her.  She hoped that in time he would open up more about that part of him.  He was so comfortable talking about every other aspect of his life, but where he came from was very sporadic.

She peered over at him looking peaceful as he slept next to her.  She saw the clock on the nightstand over his shoulder; 9:20.  She had no desire to get up, but knew life would come calling. 

With that thought, his cell phone beside the clock started to buzz.  She shut her eyes quickly, not wanting him to know she was admiring him while he snoozed.  He stirred beside her, slowly dragging his limbs from her and rolling over to get the phone.

She didn’t need to listen to the phone call because she knew it was one of the guys calling about something club related.  Abby had a feeling her fantasy world within the confines of his studio apartment were about to come to an end.

She felt his arm wrap back around her middle as he kissed her elbow.  “Good morning,” he mumbled.

Abby scooted down a little so she could curl up under his chin as she whispered ‘good morning’ back to him.  She shut her eyes and nestled in, waiting for him to say something about his phone call.

After a few minutes, he mumbled, “I have to be at the clubhouse by 11:30.  Clay needs a couple of us to ride with him to Oakland.”

“Okay,” she answered quietly.   “I should probably get back to Bobby’s.  I have to work today and should study some so he won’t jump down my throat.”

“I wish we could lay here all day,” he whispered, pulling her tighter against him.

She sighed, not saying anything.  She wanted to relish this for as long as she could because there was no way of knowing when it would happen again.

He kissed the back of her neck then pushed himself up.  “I’m going to make some coffee.”

Abby rolled onto her side and admired him jogging across the room to the kitchen area.  The smell of brewing coffee soon filled the air.  She really didn’t want to get up.  She felt so relaxed and comfortable in the little studio apartment with him, but the reality of their situation loomed over her causing her stomach to fill with knots.

Juice climbed onto the bed and handed her a cup of coffee.  “I bought a couple different creamers and some Splenda.” He pointed to the hot beverage.  “That has French Vanilla and two Splenda’s.”

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