Chapter 5

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Juice grabbed a wrench and began taking his nervous energy out on the car that he was working on.  Tonight was the night of the Memorial Day picnic at the Munson residence.  Tonight was the night that he could come face to face with Abigail Munson, the girl he couldn’t stop thinking about and the one that said she would never date a member of the Sons of Anarchy. 

It had been two weeks since their date and for every single one of those fourteen days, Juice kept playing back their encounter.  Every conversation, every laugh, every flick of her hair played on repeat in his mind.  Many times he thought about going into the copy shop to apologize for the way he ended things.  Her confused look as he was turning to leave crept into his head every so often and he wanted to make it right, but how could he?  Two weeks without any contact meant she would probably kick him out of the store.  Throw in the fact that he was a member of the club and she would surely use her foot to boot his ass even harder out the door.

The week before, he was the first one to volunteer to skip dinner at the Morrow’s to go to the warehouse to make sure the Mayans didn’t show up.  He loved those dinners, but he couldn’t show himself that night.  The dinner would turn into World War III when they came face to face.  Between her reaction, Bobby, Jax and Opie, he wouldn’t have made it out alive. 

The picnic tonight was completely different.  At church that morning, Clay ordered every single one of them to let business behind to join in on the festivities.  It had been years since the picnic had been held at Bobby’s house, but from what he had gathered it used to be a big event before Abby went off to college.  Bobby was walking around on cloud nine as the clock got closer and closer to party time.  Just the mention of his niece and Bobby’s eyes sparkled.  He was a proud uncle and would rip apart anyone that hurt her. 

Juice placed the wrench down and wiped the sweat off his brow.  He wasn’t sure if the sweat was from working on the car or the impending doom he felt come over him.

There were close to fifty people there some of which Juice never saw before, but that wasn’t unusual.  There were always people straggling behind the club members wanting to be one the inside of what went on within the Sons of Anarchy. He had been one of those individuals once desperately wanting to be a part of the group.  Now here he was on the inside, but on this particular night he didn’t feel like partying.

He stood against the post of the back porch smoking a cigarette. He picked this spot because it was hidden away from everyone so he could remain unseen.  His eyes were peeled for the petite, curly headed copy girl that plagued his mind.

For two weeks, thoughts and questions swirled throughout his brain.  How could he date her especially after she said Bobby never wanted her to get involved with a club member? If he dated her, it would surely cause issues between him and Bobby.  He couldn’t jeopardize any of his relationships with his fellow brothers.  This was the only family he had and he wanted to continue to have them in his life. It was all he knew. He chugged his beer and grabbed another one.  His nerves were on overdrive.  He felt like some crazy paranoid person.  If he saw her anywhere near him, he would have to find an exit as quickly as possible.

As he looked around, he saw some of the guys standing around the bonfire, drinking and laughing.  Most of them were surrounded by a swarm of women which is where he would be if he wasn’t on lookout duty.

He lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply.  He hadn’t stopped thinking about her.  He had never been struck so quickly by someone before, but he found Abigail intriguing.  He had planned on spending as long as he could with her the night they went out, but when she divulged her family to him, he didn’t know what to do. All his thoughts continuously revolved around how he couldn’t jeopardize his place in the club. How could he let that go, but how could he let her go? He found himself in this constant battle of what he wanted to do versus what he felt he should do.  It was exhausting and something that was so foreign to him.  The feelings that meeting her brought to the surface were ones he just never had to deal with.  It had been a long time since he felt anything other than lust for a girl so it was hard to embrace, but until she told him she was a Munson he was more than willing to give it a fighting chance.

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