Chapter 30

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Okay's the last chapter of my story.   This story was to be the first of three.  I've started the second story and hope to post the first chapter by the end of this week.  Thank you everyone for reading.  Let me know your thoughts if you feel like it.  


The smell of coffee entered the bedroom as Abby rolled onto her side. She groaned, rubbing her eyes as she heard the squeak of her bedroom door being opened. She felt like death. Her head was pounding which was made worse with any movement. The taste of stale liquor and beer in her mouth made her stomach feel like it was on a roller coaster ride. On top of that, she felt numb, void of all emotion after the previous night's events.

She heard footsteps coming around the side of her bed; she forced one eye open. She saw a cup of coffee being held out for her. Slowly, moving her gaze up, she saw Chibs looking down at her.

"For you," he greeted, sliding onto the edge of the bed.

Groaning, she pushed herself back against her pillows and took the cup of coffee. Taking a tiny sip, she shut her eyes again. "Did you bring me home?"

"Nah, can't say that I did. That was Ope, but I came over to relieve him once you were settled. We wanted to make sure you didn't wake up and do something stupid."

"Ah man, what am I, Jax now?" she questioned as she opened her eyes to look at Chibs.

Chibs let out a low chuckle and settled his hand on her knee. "You're far more attractive than Jackie Boy."

She smiled then let out another groan. All this movement was making her head throb even more. She searched her memory for the events of the previous evening. There were parts that were hazy or completely gone from her memory then there were the parts that stood out like a sore thumb. Juice and Jessie all over each other on the dance floor then in the dorm room settled into brain. Then the image of Opie pulling her off Jessie replaced that revolting scene. "I guess I put on quite a display last night."

"That was pretty tame for a party at the clubhouse."

Abby ran a finger through her curls; they were a tangled mess. "You're just being nice."

"Oh no, Abby, I would tell you if I thought you were being a jackass." He shrugged his shoulders and offered a smile. "So, you got into a scuffle with that skank and laid into Juice. They both deserved it, nobody faults you for your reaction." He squeezed her knee. "Besides, you made me feel like a million bucks with all your flirting."

"Was I inappropriate?"

"It was completely harmless," he answered, leaning over to nudge her with his shoulder. "Best part of my night."

She placed her hand on his and held it for a few seconds before rolling onto her side and laying back down. She took some deep breaths, trying to calm her stomach. The last thing she wanted to do was end up with her head in the toilet. She was so tired, her body felt like it had run a marathon. All she wanted to do was sleep so she wouldn't have to deal with feeling like shit, both physically and emotionally. Pushing away the images that haunted her from Tig's birthday bash, she felt herself slowly drift off into dreamland.


Juice took his seat around the reaper table and waited for the rest of his brothers. It had been a week since Tig's birthday party, a week since he broke Abby's heart, a week since he had seen her face or heard her voice. It felt like the longest week of his life. He shut his eyes as his mind drifted back to that awful night.

After Abby left the dorm room with Opie on her heels, the rest of the audience followed suit. The last thing he remembered before the door shut was locking eyes with Bobby and getting a nod from him. After that, he fell back on the bed, curled up in a ball and stared at the wall until he managed to fall asleep.

The One That Got Away (SOA Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz