Chapter 3

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Abby stood in front of the copy store for what seemed like an eternity before heading for her car.  She drove the short distance to her uncle’s house with the music blaring as loud as her ears could stand.  She was trying to drown out the thoughts that were going through her head. Unfortunately, the music wasn’t doing its job and her mind was racing with lots of confusion.

She was relieved when she pulled into the driveway and saw her uncle’s bike wasn’t there.  She really wasn’t surprised.  She could count on two hands the times he was actually there when she got home from school.  Most of the time she just went straight to the Teller’s since she was with Opie and Jax.  She hadn’t seen much of Bobby since she had returned from law school, but he was always within reach if she needed him.

As she stepped into the house, she sighed and leaned against the door.  Confusion was only one word that described her mood at that moment.  She was disappointed beyond belief.  Abby never dated a lot growing up.  With Jax and Opie always in the background most guys were terrified to even get close to her because of what those two embodied.  Where there was Jax and Opie, there was a biker club that most people didn’t want to mess with.  Most guys thought she was dating Opie throughout high school which didn’t help her case.  On the rare occasion that a guy did ask her out, one or both of her two shadows would end up wherever she was.  When Jax and Tara started dating in high school her dating life only got worse because Opie became even more protective plus the ‘it’ couple wanted the two of them to tag along most of the time.

When she went away to college she went through a brief phase where she went through a handful of guys, but that got old so she focused on hanging with her friends and studying.  She had come back to Charming to work and study for her bar not to find a guy, but when she saw Juan Carlos for the first time desperately trying to keep the copy paper from toppling over there was something that sparked inside of her.

“Stupid girl, why did you go and spill your family secrets,” she mumbled as she walked into the kitchen. 

There were two messages on the answering machine, one from Gemma reminding her that they were having their weekly Sunday dinner and the other from Opie wondering where she was.  Neither of those messages surprised her, they were the only two people that ever called her aside from the occasional phone call from Tara or Jax when he needed something. It would be nice to have a phone call from someone different every now and again.

Pulling a beer out of the fridge, she grabbed her bag containing her study materials and headed toward the backyard.  The one plus of Bobby never being home was that she could get a lot of studying done in peace.  She should have been happy that her date ended abruptly, she really didn’t need the distraction, but she couldn’t seem to convince the feelings inside her of that.

Two beers later, Abby had managed to push all thoughts of Juan Carlos Ortiz out of her head. She was engrossed in the various aspects of wills and estate law.  She was cramming as hard as she could in hopes of taking the bar in July.

“Abby, where have you been?”

Abby knocked her beer over as she jumped up from the chair, books and papers spilling all over the ground.  “Geez, Op, what the hell are you trying to do, kill me?”

“You weren’t answering your phone.”

She rolled her eyes and started picking up her materials strewn throughout the yard.  She glanced up to see he was bent over trying to help her out, but making more of a mess than was already there.

She grabbed the papers from his hands, ignoring his dark eyes staring at her.  She started back toward the house to clean up her sweatshirt that was soaked in beer.

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