Chapter 25

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Opie leaned against the wall, bringing the bottle to his lips. It was getting close to eleven and he knew he should be making his way home, but the thought made him tense. He found himself hanging at the club later and later just to keep from arguing with Donna. He hated trying to juggle the two things he loved. He wished it was a hell of a lot easier.

He turned his attention to the door when he caught a glimpse of Juice coming into the clubhouse. Juice had slipped out over an hour ago without saying anything which meant he was meeting Abby so Opie couldn't help but wonder why he was here. Juice looked frantic. He began walking in Clay's direction then turned erratically back to the door. This went on several times until he froze in his spot, looking down at something in his hand.

Pushing himself off the wall, Opie moved in his direction. "Juice," he bellowed, stopping in front of him. Juice was fixated on what looked to be a bracelet in his hand. Placing his hands on Juice's shoulders, he watched his eyes snap up. They were filled with tears. Shaking him, he tried again, "Juice, what's wrong?"

"Abby, something's happened."

"What do you mean, something happened? What the hell are you talking about?" Opie questioned.

"We were going to meet in the parking lot of the diner, but when she didn't show I went looking for her," he paused, swallowing hard. "The waitress said she left with Jake Darby. When I went to look around, I found this; it's the bracelet I got her for Christmas," he stopped and sniffed hard, clearly trying to keep his emotions in check. "Jake took Abby."

"Holy shit," Opie choked, trying to keep a level head.

He felt Juice pull away from his grip, which had lightened up, to take a step in the direction of Clay and Bobby. With one quick motion, Opie grabbed his arm and jerked him back. "What are you doing?"

"We have to tell them," he blubbered.

Opie nodded in agreement. He knew they had to tell the club, but telling the others that Abby had been taken would expose the secret relationship. He caught sight of Jax heading toward the bar for a refill. "Jax," he called out, motioning for him to come over.

Jax strutted in their direction. "What's up Ope?"

"Jake Darby took Abby," Opie announced. "Juice found her bracelet on the street after she didn't meet him in the parking lot. The waitress confirmed that they walked out of the diner together."

Running his hand through his hair, Jax muttered, "Ah shit." He pointed to where Clay, Bobby and Tig were smoking cigars. "We have to tell them. This isn't something the three of us can handle ourselves."

Opie nodded, he needed Jax to validate what they had to do. Turning to Juice whose face was completely expressionless, he placed his hands on Juice's shoulders and stared him straight in the eyes. "You have to be prepared for what might happen when this comes out."

"I just want Abby back," he mumbled.

Jax and Opie gave each other a nod before stepping in the direction of the others. Opie glanced over his shoulder to make sure Juice was behind them. He was in line with every step they took.

Stopping in front of the trio puffing away on cigars, Jax cleared his throat. "We have a problem Clay."

Clay blew out a sea of smoke and locked eyes with the VP. "What kind of problem?"

"We just found out that Jake Darby has Abby."

"WHAT?" Bobby screeched, almost dropping his cigar on the floor. Tig grabbed it from his grip and snuffed it out on the ash tray beside them.

The One That Got Away (SOA Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin