Chapter 13

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Abby circled the glass watching as the dark colors swirled like a small tornado.  Bringing the liquid to her lips, she sipped it slightly then scrunched her face up.  Looking up at the older woman in front of her, she shook her head.  “This would be great for the colder months, but I’m looking for something lighter.”  She surveyed the list in front of her.  “Dolce Blanc, I’d like to try that.” She stretched her legs out in front of her and let her head fall back.  It was such a gorgeous day to be outside.

Her phone startled her.  She glanced down at it on her lap and smiled.  It was the man that consumed her head and she was glad he was calling.  They had been back from San Diego for close to three weeks and because the club had him ‘busy’, they had only seen each other twice for barely an hour each time.  She talked to him several times a day on the phone and those conversations were enough to keep her hooked.

“Hey there,” she greeted, reaching for the glass that had been placed in front of her.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

She took a swig, smiling and indicating this was what she was looking for.  “I am wine tasting in Lodi.”

“Fancy,” he responded with a laugh.  “I just got back to Charming, but have some free time.  I can come that way if you would like.”

“That would be great,” she answered, trying to keep her excitement under wraps.  She didn’t want to seem too eager. 

“Cool.  Where do you want to meet?”

Abby thought for a second.  She spent a good bit of time in Lodi, mainly because of the wineries, but it had a lot of other stuff to make her feel like she was still among the hustle and bustle in Southern California.  “Lodi Beer Company, on South School Street.”

“I’ll be there in about thirty.”

She said goodbye and stared at her phone.  A smile spread across her face as she could feel the butterflies in her stomach turning.  She had started to wonder if they could pull off what they had started in San Diego, but this gave her a glimmer that they most certainly could.  Paying for her bottle of wine, she practically skipped to her car in anticipation of seeing Juice Ortiz.

Abby thanked the waitress as she left the beer on the table and disappeared.  She stared at the text message from Opie.  He had called her a couple times and was now texting, urging her to return his call.  She knew it couldn’t be too incredibly important because if it was he wouldn’t have stopped calling.  As she glanced up, she felt her heart skip as Juice approached the table.  She shoved the phone back into her bag and straightened up, letting a big grin appear to meet his. 

He slid into the seat and touched her hand.  “Hey.” He pointed to the beer in front of her.  “Beer and wine today.”

Abby chuckled.  “It’s been a good day.”

Juice raised his eyebrow. “What are you drinking?”

She handed the beer over to him.  “It’s their own Summer Wheat.”

He took a long sip and smiled.  “That’s pretty good.  I’m going to order that.”

He motioned for the waitress and ordered a drink. Abby couldn’t help but notice the once over that the young girl give him.  At first Abby wasn’t sure if it was one of disgust, but the flicker in her eye and small smile as she brushed past him said to Abby that she found him attractive.  Abby felt a twinge of jealousy as she followed the waitress with her eyes until she was out of sight.

“So, this worked out great.  I live in Lodi and needed to swing by my place.” He smiled brightly at her and pointed at her bags. “What fancy wine did you get?”

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