Chapter 12

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Abby opened one eye and stared at the ceiling.  She wasn’t sure, but she could have sworn she heard ringing.  Being half asleep, her mind was still fuzzy as though she was still in a dream. 

When she heard a voice softly saying her name, her haze cleared and she realized where she was. She turned her head to see Juice looking over at her through half open eyes, pointing to the phone on the nightstand.

Pushing herself up on her elbows, she reached over and grabbed the phone.  “Hello,” she answered, groggily.

“Hey baby, did I wake you?”

Abby glanced over at Juice who was watching her.  She mouthed ‘Gemma’ to him and turned back to the voice on the other end. “Sort of.  I tried calling you yesterday, but you didn’t answer.  Is everything ok?”

Gemma snorted.  “Junkie whore problems.”

Abby rolled her eyes.  Gemma was talking about Wendy and her drug habit. Abby was never fond of Wendy during high school and had yet to find anything redeeming in the girl.

“Are you doing okay in San Diego?”

She glanced over at Juice who had curled up and shut his eyes.  She smiled. “Things are just fine in San Diego.”

“Well, shit, I was hoping you were going to say that last night was painful. You know so you could forgo the lawyer job and stay in Charming.”

Abby chuckled as she heard someone yelling in the background.  It was her uncle who was disagreeing with Gemma’s wish.  “I’ve been trying to get a hold of Bobby.  Can I talk to him?”

“Sure, sweetheart, he’s trying to yank the damn phone from my hand anyway.  Stop by the house when you get back.”

“Ok, Gemma, I’ll try,” she answered. She laughed as she heard some muffled curses between Gemma and Bobby as the phone switched hands.

“Is everything okay down there?” Bobby asked, sounding like a concerned father.

“Everything is fine.  The party went well last night.  I spent a good part of the evening talking to a couple of the senior partners in the firm that’s interested in having me join them.” Saying that she had talked to them for that long was a stretch of the truth, but she needed to keep up her façade for now.

“That’s great.  I’m glad to hear it.  Now, you need to get back so you can study and get that exam out of the way.”

Abby rolled her eyes, sighing as she laid back on her pillows.  “That’s my intention.”

“Good,” he responded happily.  “Drive safe.  I’ll be at Clay and Gem’s for Sunday dinner. Stop over when you get back.”

Abby said goodbye and shut her phone. She didn’t want to rush back.  Thankfully, Sunday dinner usually went pretty late so if she showed up after nine nobody would bat an eye.

Glancing over at Juice, who was breathing peacefully she couldn’t help but feel her stomach lurch.  As she was driving to pick him up to leave, she was hoping that the trip would be somewhat of a bust.  She had grown up being told that she was to become a lawyer and follow in her dad’s footsteps.  She didn’t want to mess up her destiny, but somewhere along the way she began to question that path. Before she met Juice in the copy store, she had convinced herself that it was just nerves taking over.  She had always been worried she wouldn’t live up to her dad’s ability as a lawyer.  She was a perfectionist and didn’t want to fail at anything. Then he walked in and she realized that wasn’t necessarily the case.  If the trip turned out to be a bust, she could continue with the lawyer thing and keep Bobby happy which was something she strived to do.  However, it wasn’t necessarily what was going to make her happy anymore.  Staring at Juice, she realized this young Son could potentially be what could make her happy.

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