Chapter 27

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Abby sat on the edge of the hospital bed staring at the clothes in a heap on one of the chairs. As she continued to gaze at them, she felt sick in her stomach. She had absolutely no desire to put that ensemble back on. Just looking at them brought back images from what had gone down with the Nords, the Sons and her. She wanted to burn them and go home in the lovely hospital gown on her body.

Bobby hadn't returned the past evening, which wasn't surprising after finding out he knew about the relationship between her and Juice. She wished he had come back to the room because she would have begged him to grab a different outfit for her. Sighing, she pushed herself up to stand, gripping the rails of the bed to steady her wobbly legs.

Taking a few steps in the direction of the pile screaming back at her, she heard the creak of the hospital door. Turning her attention toward the sound, she saw the somber face of Gemma.

"What the hell are you doing out of bed?" she barked, setting the bag she was carrying down on the floor. She grabbed Abby's arm and led her to sit down.

"I'm going home today," Abby mumbled, watching as Gemma went over to where her stuff was.

"That's why I'm here," Gemma answered, taking the pile in her arms, walking to the trashcan and throwing the clothes inside. Turning, she brushed her hands off and grabbed the bag from the floor. "New clothes," she paused and held up the new outfit. "There's no need for that shit in the trashcan."

Abby let out a sigh of relief. She could always count on Gemma to take care of her. She smiled as Gemma came over with a button down shirt. "I thought this shirt would be best to keep from hurting those ribs." She let Gemma help her get the gown off and put the shirt on her. Gemma handled her with such care, like a mother would with a child. "I can't believe nobody thought to call me when all this shit went down."

"Obviously, I had no control over that," Abby responded with a snort.

Gemma took a brush and began to comb out the knots in Abby's curls. "I know that baby," she cooed. "So, why didn't you tell me about Juice?"

Groaning, Abby looked up at the concerned look in Gemma's eyes. "I didn't want you to start planning a wedding for me?"

Placing a hand on her hip, Gemma locked eyes with her. "Would I do that?"

Laughing loudly, Abby replied, "Do you really want me to answer that?" She chuckled as Gemma lightly smacked her shoulder. "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you Gem." Letting her head fall forward, she could feel tears forming as Gemma wrapped her arms around Abby's shoulder.

"It's okay sweetheart," Gemma whispered, stroking her curls.

Abby felt her body calm as she let Gemma mother her. "Bobby's really pissed isn't he?" she asked even though she knew the answer.

"He'll get over it," Gemma responded. Her grip eased up as Abby pulled back from her, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "Do you know what you're going to do?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Abby took Gemma's outstretched hand and stood up. "I'm staying in Charming," she retorted with conviction in her voice.

"As long as you're staying for yourself and not just for the man," Gemma replied with a strict tone.

Brushing off Gemma's advice, Abby looked around the room making sure there was nothing she actually wanted to take with her. "Where am I recouping at?"

Gemma opened the door and smiled. "At my house. Clay wants everyone to be careful for a few days to make sure there isn't major blowback from what happened. He's keeping Kozik at the house with us so you have nothing to worry about."

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