Chapter 7

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On the ride home, Abby kept thinking about the information she had just discovered.  It all made sense why Opie was acting so shifty after she told him she had been on a date with Juan Carlos Ortiz.  The club didn’t have beef with him because he was a member of the club. 

By the time the bike slowed to a stop in the driveway, Abby’s anger had quieted the schoolgirl inside her. She hopped off the motorcycle, threw the helmet on the seat and headed for the back door.  She didn’t bother saying thanks or anything for that matter, she just wanted to get inside to take her shower and forget he ever existed.

She ignored him calling her name from the driveway as she stayed focused on the door. Abby heard him yell for her again, but she just kept moving.  She was so angry, but then that feeling crept up a little making her want to hear him out.

She spun around on her heel and watched as he slowed down, stopping inches from her face. She could smell a mix of sweat, tobacco and cologne.  It threw her for a second because the strange mix was somewhat intoxicating.  She straightened up and cleared her throat, getting herself grounded again.  “Why didn’t you tell me you were a Son?” she asked calmly.

She watched him stuff his hands inside his pockets, staring down at his feet.  She waited, hoping he would say something that made sense, but it was clear to her that nothing was going to come out of his mouth.

“Unbelievable,” she muttered with disappointment.  She whipped around and grabbed the back door, storming down the hallway.  She wanted to get in the shower, study for the bar and go about her business.

The sound of the backdoor swinging open caused her to jump as she heard the frantic footsteps approaching behind her.

“You’re right I should have told you that I was a Son,” Juice called in agreement.

She reached the kitchen and stopped in front of the sink, turning to meet his eyes.  She scanned them intently.  There was this softness to them that was sincere which tugged at her heart. 

Abby nodded and quietly replied. “Yes, you should have.”

“I panicked when you said you were Bobby’s niece then to throw in Jax, Opie and Gemma? Well, I didn’t know what to do. The way you talked about the club, it came across that you want no parts of any guy involved in it, at least romantically.”

“I don’t,” she emphasized.

Juice looked down at his shoes.  “I just didn’t see the point.”

She was disappointed that he left her stare.  His eyes had so much feeling behind them in that moment.  It was like they were making up for what words he couldn’t get out. “Do you like the club?” she asked.

“They are my family.  I don’t have any connection to my actual family and I was wandering aimlessly trying to find somewhere that I felt at home. This is what I found.”

She sighed and leaned against the fridge. “I love my uncle.  I love Gemma.  I love Jax and Opie, but I see what their lives are like in the club.  Bobby is one step away from a heart attack.  Gemma is so immersed in being the Queen of the Sons that there are times I don’t feel that I even know her.  Jax lost his soul mate because she wanted out of this town and Opie’s marriage is a mess.  I want something different for myself and in whatever relationship I end up in.”

She watched as he glanced down at his shoes then brought his eyes to meet hers.  Juice had this intense look on his face which made Abby’s heart speed up.

“I’ve never been real great with talking to the opposite sex, but I really like spending time with you.  I feel like I can just be myself around you and not some bad ass biker,” he trailed off. “I really like you, but I can tell that you aren’t like the people I spend my days and nights with.  Sure, you have a connection, but it’s not who you are.  I wouldn’t want to complicate that for you, but if you change your mind you know where to find me.”

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