And guess what, they agreed. So now the result is that they are searching grooms for me, in every nook and corner of the city. They have given my bio-data to so many priests and numerous matrimonial sites along with our relatives. Many have even come to meet me, but trust me they were totally just like my family. I was so happy when they rejected me, for one or other reason, but then my real ordeal began when my mother started calling me that I am not 'pretty enough' and no guy would ever want me as his wife.

They are hell bent on marrying me to the first family that agrees, not even caring about how is the family's background or even if they are nice people or not. They just want me, their burden, to get off their shoulders. Thus they have come upon various ways to teach me, how to 'catch' a guy.

Whenever a guy comes, my mother herself takes the pleasure of dressing me up in skimpiest and skin showing gowns, saying one thing I have been blessed with is the body to die for and I should show it off so that those boys get attracted. Even the thought disgusts me but I never have any option left. I do everything they say, not because I am weak, just because I want them to acknowledge me for once and say a few words of love and appreciation.

However, when I just go in font of those guys, they do get impressed, so much so they even try to touch me inappropriately or some were nice enough to say that they don't want a wife as such me, which literally leave me in tears because that's not the real ne. My real me would be hidden behind those sexy dresses and the loads of make up my mother puts on me.

I couldn't even say that the reason of their rejection is not me, but the way you ask me to meet them, to my mother . Thought so many rejections would have broken the confidence of any girl, and somewhat it broke mine too. But I get relieved thinking about those guys, happy that I did not get married to them. They just looked like hungry wolves, starved and ready to just pounce when they get an opportunity.

Still, after all this I am hopeful that one day I would get my due of happiness, love and care which I never had in childhood. There would be someone who would love the inner me and not just my outer beauty. He would swipe me away from this dark world of mine and take me somewhere I would be loved and cherished. I am just waiting for that day, however my patience might be running thin, I am still holding on to the last thread of hope that somewhere the man of my dreams is waiting for me. He would be like the princes who swept their princess off their feet in those fairytales. He would be my PRINCE CHARMING!


Same time in Singhania Mansion (Mumbai)

Rey's POV

I stopped after my 5th round of running across the garden area. Bending down slightly stretching and relaxing my tensed and pumped up muscles I sat down and gulped down the green healthy juice, which was a part of my fitness routine. The liquid drenched my dry throat but I grimaced at the taste of it, however I emptied the sipper half before again starting my another set of rounds.

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