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「𝐠𝐨𝐮-𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫」


"you want me to what?!" bakugou shrieked.

it was a normal saturday, neither you nor bakugou had to work so it was perfect. summer had just rolled in and sitting around eating ice-cream was just what you needed to get in tune with your body. after all your volleyball practices that were definitely intense you wanted to come home to a cool house with bakugou being his usual explosive self.

though he did not expect you to ask him to take the popcorn you had held with your teeth from your mouth to his. it was, in one word, disgusting and he didn't want to do it. who does that anyway?

"come on! just do it, please?" after chomping on the fluffy snack, you turned to your boyfriend with pleading eyes. more specifically puppy dog eyes, with the quivering lip and everything. typical. this was exactly like you when something didn't go your way.

"fuck no! that shit it dirty! i am not doing that!" he turned his head, a soft hue of pink dusting his cheeks.

puffing your cheeks up in a fit of anger, you threw popcorn at the male. "meanie!" was your insult, crossing your arms over your chest.

"oi! stop it, (your name)!" i am not doing it so just stop!"

"please? if you love someone you do anything for them!" your arms slithered round his waist, face buried in his warm stomach. "you love me, right?"

"'course i do.." he answered, running his fingers through your soft locks.

"then do this for me!" you cried, becoming more desperate.

cupping your cheeks so you would look at nothing but him, his eyes held a serious look that caused you to swallow down your suddenly dry throat. with a sly smile bakugou whispered in your ear, a very assertive,


he answered quickly, brutally but there was no freakin' way he were going to do that. had you even brushed your teeth?


"because that's dirty."

"but if i give it to you with my hands then that's even dirtier.." you explained, eyes glossing over. "please gou-gou..?"

brows creasing in frustration, bakugou wondered where did this attitude suddenly come from. it must have been from that stupid show you always watched, 'finding stray kids'. it was clearly messing with your head because last week already you had him in this weird bubble thing trying to knock him off his feet because apparently you had to avenge hyunjin, whoever that was.

"why do you want me to do this?" asking in a gentler tone, bakugou sat you on his lap. his hand cupped your cheek as he stroked your warm skin.

"because han and lee know did it!"

shaking his head, the spiky haired male knew you were lying because he had watched the episode with you and he saw lee know giving han the popcorn with his hand, not his mouth. though he was pretty sure you would have screamed at the of your lungs from joy if they actually did exchange the snack with their mouths.

"no they didn't."

"can we do it please? for minsung?"

"minsung- no, angel. we aren't doing that."

when you were about to give up an idea came to mind, something you knew bakugou couldn't live without at the end of every week. having your mouth by his ear, you whispered, "no spicy curry for three months."

he stared at you, seeing if you were bluffing which you obviously were, he knew how much you loved spicy curry. but then bakugou also knew you could go long without curry and that yours tasted much better than his own. so it was either do what you wanted, disgusting or not, or have no delicious curry for three months. the choice was obvious but that didn't mean he had to like it.

".. fine." at least while he was suffering he knew he would get some curry for dinner.

"yay! by the way gou-gou," he humed in response, soul probably leaving his soul. "we ran out of curry this morning."



haha im sorry this was terrible (⇀‸↼‶)

i should probably be writing requests but i just thought of the time lee know wanted to make han do this and well here we are.

stray kids are an inspiration even without their music omgg :>>>>

hope you enjoyed though :) thank you for reading (*^3^)/~♡


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