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「𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫」


being held by angel while one slept was certainly heavenly.

a smile spread across your lips as you watched a sleeping bakugou lay his head on your lap, completely out of it. 'this is so cute' you thought, brushing past his parted lips, his smooth cheeks, and finally made it to his spiky ash blond hair that had been left in a mess.

he really did deserve this nap, after staying up all night to make sure the baby was alright, he was so tuckered out. and he insisted that he was the one who was too look after the baby so you could get enough energy. he was just being a thoughtful husband, and he was greatful to you, his loving significant other, for caring the baby for nine months.

luckily, right the baby was asleep so the two of you had some time to rest. (*´Д`*)

the baby looked a lot more like bakugou if we were being honest, basically like his twin. the ash blond hair just take away the spikiness, and his beautiful crimson eyes. she was so so adorable you almost cried when you first saw her. you both swore you would protect your daughter from the world, keeping her remaining pure and precious.

hopefully she would take after your love of all things otaku. ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و now that, that would make you one proud parent.

placing a tender kiss upon your hubby's head, you moved him into the bed and caressed his cheek one more time before you headed downstairs to make a sandwich but not before checking on your baby. she was still fast asleep just like her father. as you got the bread out, your mind began to wonder how would your daughter be like. would she love sleep or enjoy exercising? maybe both. ^^

seeing as everyone was asleep, you thought it would be alright if you had some tv time, just to catch up with an anime you had been meaning to watch. after one episode you couldn't leave the couch, every episode was just so gripping you were literally glued to the couch.

"mommy~ don't ignore me and daddy," came the voice that could only belong to your husband which made you giggle and tear your gaze away from the tv to see bakugou holding your daughter fresh from her nap.

"i could never ignore my two favorite people," you cooed, gushing over how cute the two in front of you looked. you took your daughter from your husband and got her bottle, testing the temperature before slipping passed her pouty lips. she instantly began drinking her milk and stared at you with big doe eyes, then they flickered over to her father who had popped up behind your shoulder, giving you a quick kiss.

"thanks for letting me take a nap, baby."

"your welcome."


hey.! ♡

sorry you guys, this could've been longer but i really wanted it to be ready for today so you could have at least two or three oneshots/drabbles/headcannons for the weekend. ^^

just a little hint about me, i do not like the word babe for couples idk...just makes me feel less fluff ig ^3^

baku holding a baby sounds so so cuteeee ohmiiigoshhh 😍

truth be told, i am scared to have a baby cus of all the whatif's and what if they become reality?? anxiety really takes its toll on me, i really can't help but think of the bad instead of looking forward to the good. there's gotta be smth wrong with me T-T


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