𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙽𝙺𝙴𝚃 𝙺𝙸𝙲𝙺 ; 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢

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「𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐡𝐲𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫」


(name) shivered under his thin blankets, letting out whimpers as small tears formed in the corner of his eyes.

he so badly wanted to go to his master's room and sleep under those thick, warm blankets but was told to stay in his room for the night. his master had documents to fill out and get them ready his meeting tomorrow with a special client. the little kitty had never once disobeyed his beloved master and didn't want to start but by the way the cold air would bite at sensitive skin, he was close to running out of his room.

he tried his best to get himself warmer by curling himself into a ball but it was still a chilly night. bubbles of tears fell down his cheeks as he silently sobbed, the cold becoming overwhelming. (name) always hated the winter, hated how the air was ten times colder, hated how the snow left his clothes wet after him and his master went for walks, just hated the season in general.

licking his dry lips, he warily stood up, his old blanket draped over his shoulders. stepping towards the door, his feet took each step carefully almost like he was preparing for when his master would check on his so he could make a quick decent back to his foton. gripping the door knob, he twisted it as quietly as he could and opened the door, praying it wouldn't creak. sadly, it did. he flinched at the loud sound and bravely peaked through the crack. he sighed in relief when he didn't see any sign of his master.

gripping the rage of a blanket, (name) tip-toed over to his masters room. his heart echoed through his chest as he neared the door. his angelic features were eliminated by the yellow light coming from katsuki's room. gulping down his fear of being yelled at, he lightly pushed the door open and let his (eye color) doe eyes scan through the room. his eyes caught a certain pom pom's spiky hair sitting at his desk staring down at his paperwork and documents.

the hybrid opened his mouth but instantly shut it, afraid of the consequences. "m-master...?" he whispered, his grip on the rage he held so dear — for it was all he had left from his days at the shelter — tightening. it appeared katsuki didn't hear him as he didn't move an inch. closing his eyes, (name) bit his lip as he called his master a tad louder. that didn't work either. the kitty pouted as he stomped his sock covered foot against the wooden floors. "m-master!!" he yelled, causing katsuki to jolt and fall off of his chair, landing on his rear with a groan. "fuck..." was the curse that left his lips as he rubbed his sore bum.

'bad word' the kitty thought, trying not to laugh at the scene before him. his master noticed the (favorite color) socks of his baby and glanced up, sighing softly as he knew that it was incredibly late, "sweetheart ,why are you up?" he stood up and ruffled his misshapen hair, his blood red eyes staring into (name)'s shaky ones. "i-i was cold..." he stuttered out softly, using his blanket to hide his glowing cheeks. katsuki took in what he said and took note of his baby's shivering figure. "oh fuck" — he bit his lip and sighed, still needing to learn not to swear in front of precious angel — "im so sorry, kitty. look, i'll finish my work tomorrow, so we can get some well deserved rest, how's that sound?"

the kitty nodded eagerly, slipping off the rage and jumping into his loving master's arms, melting in his blissful warmth. his lips curled up into a smile as he snuggled further into katsuki's chest. the pom pom pecked his forehead before getting a grip on his thighs and walked over to his bed. (name) felt like breaking down at the devine feeling of katsuki's thick blankets kissing his skin. "m-master... may i s-sleep here with you...please?" he asked, his floppy (hair color) ears perked up as he waited for the answer.

katsuki didn't even need to think about it as he easily let out a 'yes' and placed a tender kiss on his hybrids head.


if you probably haven't noticed yet, i am obsessed with male hybrids  ._. 

it's because i have read way too many books about adorable male hybrids, usually concerning my babies jiminnie, jungkookie and my cup tae (⌒◡⌒;) though it does up my fluff game ^^ and reading some real good taegi and yoonkook bookies

get dem fluff feels

probably gonna make wayyyyyyyyyy more hybrid male readers in the near future! >< so adorableeeeee just wanna give you cuddles and snuggles 😢💕


     ✎․ೇ︨︧ཾ✾▹  what's your zodiac sign?? ><

mine is gemini orrrrrrrrrrrr it could be cancer.... i can't really get a clear answer to that question but i personally think im both signs. gemini is my happy fluffy side of myself; warm. and cancer is the serious, angsty part of myself when i listen to BlAcK nIgHt ToWnNnNnNn~

thank you for reading you guys!!! :))))) heheeee it makes me smile~ so you guys should smile too and get dem good dimples like rapmonieeee 💕💜

have a great day todaeeeee~ remember i love you guysss so mochiiiii 💕💜💖


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