LIFE GOES ON ; bakugou

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「𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫」


it had been a full four years since katsuki bakugou had died.

you would visited his grave every other day during the week after work, you had to. call it an unbreakable habit; your feet just knew where to take you. but after all he had done for you, it was only right to pay your respects to the fallen hero. ground zero.

you stood up to your full height when you were done, brushed off any dirt that may have collected on your pants and walked down the path. winter was set to come, you could feel it in the chilling breeze that swept by for a moment.

there was no relationship between you and bakugou as far as passerby and hero went. back then, always with a bag of take out in hand, your hues would catch a glimpse of his explosions, how they sounded like a firecracker and boomed like dynamite.

and yet you felt this strange connection to the hero. when he made his debut, saving countless lives in a small town, you watched it on the news. sure, heroes saved people, some died and some carried on with their lives, but there was always someone cheering them on. you weren't one of those people.

you didn't like heroes, nor did you dislike them. as long as they didn't bring any danger into your life you were fine with them leaping over buildings and destroying the city. a snicker fell from your lips, heroes are so tacky these days, you thought.

tight pants, high heels, capes, underwear outside. that was the basic description of a hero. you often wondered how they got into those suits if they were so tight and skimpy.

it made sense why villains hated heroes so much, especially ones like all might who think they're the sun. he's not. all might was just a guy who swooped in, beat up some people who were in a tight spot or filled with greed, then left the grunt work to the people.

" geez, what a day its been. " popping the gum in your mouth, you proceeded to enter your small apartment, shoes left at the door with slippers on your feet.

being a twenty six year old who wasnt
married or with children gave you something not many people at that age had. time. it was hard enough to go through life while it was in utter shambles, but at least you knew once at home, you could kick up your feet, drink a beer and sleep.

" stay outta the way, extra! "

" hmm.. he was so vulgar back then. someone like midoriya should have at least calmed him down a peg. " you tried to close your eyes, sleep calling you, but you kept hearing his voice ring in your head. " what, what, what?? " you groaned out, knowing now that your beloved late afternoon nap would forever be interrupted.

it was silent for a solid five minutes, a smile gracing your lips. finally. peace and quiet. you felt victorious and layed down again, snuggling into the throw pillow.

ding dong. ding dong! ding dong!!

" ms natsoku! i told you, just ask the landlord to get you a key! i'm sick of having to shimmy through your window again. " you yelled out, slamming your fist into the couch thinking it was just your very tiring neighbor. the door bell kept being pushed and so it kept making that irritating noise.

you thought of letting it ring just to teach ms natsoku a lesson but she wasnt that persistent and it made a singe of fear strike through your body. " hah? no fucking way am i scared. " you
laughed at yourself before standing. " whoever the fuck you are, stop trying to break my door bell! "

with anger in your steps and a scowl on your face, you opened up your door, mouth already forming the curse you were ready to scream out but they froze on the tip of your tongue. you just stared up at his face, color filling your cheeks. this had to be some sick joke. there was no way. but he looked so real..

" b-bakugou..katsuki??? " a giant question mark hovered above your head.

" yeah. so? " the so called very much alive bakugou katsuki leaned down, his grin ever so
wide on his lips. " miss me, moew? "

" meow..? " you took a step closer, eyes scrambling over his body before you placed your hands on katsuki's warm cheeks. " you cant be real, right? "

" i'm realer than those shoes. " his eyes went over to the leopard print shoes standing in the doorway. " but enough about me. you have to wake up. "

your brows scrunched up in confusion. " wake up? but i'm already- "

" YAHHH!! " your body shot up, frantically turning your neck around your little apartment till you heard a not so pleasant crack and yelped. " ow ow.. " rubbing the spot on your neck with a pout, you slowly stood, the smell of katsudon filling your nose. " wait..katsudon? "

your feet led you to the kitchen where you saw katsuki stirring the pot, his eyes on you in a second. " ah, there you are. i kept calling you but you must have been real sleepy. "

" meow ~ " your cat, tsum, rubbed against your leg, purring. thats what the moew in your dream was, huh?

shaking off the thought of how katsuki ceased to exist, you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around him. " sorry..lets eat. " you heard the male chuckle and he returned your hug.

" yeah, lets eat. "


wrote this in a rough hour or so lol

just had an idea and went with it.

for a while now ive seen how a lot of ppl are getting wind of my book and i'm super greatful <3 thanks

now lemme get a bit annoying for a second. if you could just take a look at my other books that would be amazing! another bnha fic and a serpah of the end fic. if you havent watched that anime your definitely should 11/10

anyway, thanks for reading. bye byee

✒️ 26.11.21

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