𝙱𝙴𝚂𝚃 𝙾𝙵 𝙼𝙴 ; 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢

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「𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫」


' katsuki...just the thought of your name made my heart pound uncontrollably. that's what i've noticed lately. i felt anxious, but also u̸n̸b̸e̸l̸e̸ (*^* rip word) unbelievably happy. i had never felt anything like this before. even though i couldn't confirm it, i might have an idea, that year, in my eighteenth summer, i found the boy i liked. (´▽'ʃƪ)'

with a wide smile spread across her face, her cheeks glowed a bright red as she gazed at the soft blue sky. a breeze passed by and blew at her silky (hair color) hair. she placed her pencil back in its case after closing her diary and pushed herself away from her desk, plopping down on her bed as her eyes searched for something to stare at on her white ceiling. suddenly, he flashed through her a mind, a wide grin adorning his brilliant features. her heart fluttered wildly, the butterflies in her tummy acting like they were just giving steroids.

she covered her eyes from the blinding light and smiled, a hearty exhale left her lips as her mind continued to explore all the memories of her and her crushes time together, the butterflies never ceasing, her heart beat intensifying. 'i really miss him...wonder what he's up to...(っ≧ω≦)っ' laying in her bed for a few minutes more, (name) sat up and let her arms reach for the sky before running a hand through her slightly messy bed head. slipping on her white bunny slippers, she exited her room and headed to the elevator of the dorms, waiting for it to open up.

as the girl waited, she swung back and forth on the balls of her feet, whistling the tone mickey mouse always sung before the start of a disney movie, and she was quite good mind you. clapping her hands in delight, she stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the common room. her whistling continued, only this time she moved her head about. when the elevator dinged, her grin returned as she stepped out and looked around. her glistening (eye color) eyes spotted the fridge first. though her original plan was to find out where katsuki was, her hunger got the best of her.

taking a ripe looking (favorite fruit), she munched on it while sitting on the floor in a criss-cross-applesauce position. some may question her odd choice of seating but she found it quite comfortable. once her delectable fruit was gone and happy in her tummy, (name) suddenly felt refreshed. now, back to her plan, seeing as she was the only one in the common room, a question mark appeared flooting beside her head. 'where'd everybody go? (⑉꒦ິ^꒦ິ⑉)' taking her phone out, she texted mina to find out why the heights alliance suddenly turned into a ghost dorm.


huhuuuuu, this one was fun to write! don't worry though there's a funny textfic thingie coming next!! ^^ though this is a short drabble, it's still a drabble!

let's see, i've written (counting ma drafts too) *counts with ma fingers* 12 oneshots, 17 drabbles anddddd 3 headcannon (i think....)

...im a little worried to write a headcannon again. i feel like i get them wrong when i try, but fear not! i shall try again for my readers! ( ̄▽ ̄)

it's been a long while since i used emoji's too 🤧they're so much fun to use too! ><"

any who, thank you for reading!! even though it may be a tiny lil bit boring right now since it more descriptive than anything hehe.

have a great day todaeee! stay strong you guys! fighting 🤗 ❤️💜


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