Never Ending JOY

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Lothal, Aboard The Ghost, Three Hours After The JOY Strikes Back, 1300 p.m.

WHAM! A loud noise outside the Ghost woke up the JOY crazed crew.

"What was that?" Ezra asked letting go of Chopper. The angry astromech droid rolled away, making furious noises.

"Let's go see!" Hera leaped up still suffering the effects of JOY. The rainbow drool covered group went outside and found a giant capsule. A door slid opened to reveal a white kitty with a pink bow on one ear.

"OH MY STARS IT'S SOOOOO CUTE!" Ezra squealed.

"Is it a cat?" Hera wondered out loud.

"No, it's a girl. See it's pink dress and bow." Kanan said.

"No, it's a cat." Zeb said.

"Can I have it!?" Sabine asked, jumping up and down.

"What's your name?" Ezra asked bending down to look her.

"HELLO KITTY!" She shouted and hugged Ezra.

"Awwww. You're so cute!" Ezra squeezed the white kitty.

"Ha! Told ya! It's a cat." Zeb said happily.

"No, it's a girl!" Kanan shouted.




"Aw, don't fight." Hello Kitty wobbled over to them and gave them hugs. "BE HAPPY!"

"Do you wanna stay with us, Hello Kitty?" Hera asked, smiling joyfully.

"I would love too!" HK said happily.

"YAAAAAAAAY! HELLO KITTY AND JOY FOREVER!!!!" They shouted, skipping back to the Ghost.

"LET'S PAINT AND THROW GLITTER EVERYWHERE!!!!!" Sabine shouted, holding hands with HK.

"That sounds like fun!" HK said. And so the crew happily painted and tossed Sparkle everywhere with HK. Hello Kitty played with Zeb and Pinkie while everyone else painted pictures of her and rainbows. After lots of running around and being crazy with JOY, Hello Kitty wandered into the cargo hold. Crawling into a crate she found a rainbow colored can, curiously she opened it. She held the can with both paws and took a sip of the rainbow colored liquid. . .

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