Sejin sighed and took the articles from him. "Joon, get some rest. PD nim and I will handle it." He tried to console the young leader but he knew Namjoon wouldn't just back out.

"The only way they would stop talking is if we told them the truth. I can't let them disrespect Hana like this anymore and I doubt any of the members enjoy seeing her death be twisted into some form of attention seeking trash media." Joon angrily vented.

"I believe he's right."

PD nim walked into the office. He observed the two from outside for a while, Both Namjoon and Sejin didn't realize he came in. They quickly got up and bowed respectfully to PD nim before settling again.

"Namjoon, you have a good heart. I'm sure all the members and those close to Hana would appreciate it. Our announcement was rather sudden and because we didn't have the consent to disclose any information there was for sure going to be an uproar of disappointed fans and hungry media." He smiled kindly to Namjoon.

"You have my permission to make an official announcement. All of you already have too much to grieve for, you don't need the added stress." He sighed sadly. BTS meant a lot to him, not because he produced them from bottom up but the fact that Big Hit treated its staff and members as family. These boys grew up here and he treated them like his own sons.

"Thank you so much sir." Namjoon stood up and bowed appreciatively to PD nim.

He smiled at the young leader, "I'll arrange a date. Please prepare for it meantime. I'll let Sejin know."

Namjoon continued to bow in appreciation, multiple times. His fist clenched up, finally he could clear up the mess the media made about her. She didn't deserve it.

PD nim got up and hugged Namjoon, patting his back for assurance.
"You're a strong kid Namjoon. We're all very proud of you."

"Thank you sir." Namjoon softly spoke, his head hung low as a few tears escaped. He hardly cried, being the leader he felt like he always had to be the strong anchor for the team. Someone they could depend and rely on when things got rough and that's the pressure he was willing to go through for his members.

He returned home, the smell of Kimchi jjigae filled the air. Jin must be cooking, he thought. He turned to look into the kitchen but was surprised to see Hobi helping Jin out.

"Hobi?" Namjoon voiced.

Hobi looked up from cutting some vegetables before returning his eyes down. Oh Hey Joon." He said, not hint of his usual cheerfulness. He didn't sound like the usual hobi.

"I haven't seen you for a while." Namjoon decided to take a seat on the kitchen counter island across from Hobi. It was a rare opportunity to finally speak to one of his members.

Hobi just nodded solemnly, his attention was purely on cutting the vegetables.

"Hey Joon." Jin turned around and smiled a little. Namjoon returned one back; Jin was the only member that was willing to speak.

"Hey hyung, making Kimchi Jjigae?" Joon asked.

"Yeah, just felt like it. Hobi came home not long after you and decided to help, thanks Hobi." Jin smiled.

"It's okay hyung, just thought I'd do something else for a change." Hobi spoke before walking towards the sink, he stumbled a little along the way wincing before catching himself.

"Hyung!" Namjoon worriedly went over to him.

"I'm fine!" Hobi spoke harshly catching Namjoon and Jin off guard,  before washing his hands. Though, Namjoon saw the amount of muscle bandages wrapped around his heel and ankles.

"Hyung, you have to take it easy." Namjoon sternly said, full leader mode.

"I said I'm fine. Alright Joon." Hobi insisted drying his hands before walking away. "I'm going back to practicing. Sorry Hyung, I'll help next time." He was out the door before Namjoon could say anything.

"Joon, he's trying to cope in his own way—"

"—But he's injuring himself! Hyung, I can't let him do that!" Namjoon stressed.

"Joon." Jin sighed and went to him. "Sit down." He said and Namjoon fully obeyed.

"Hyung, everything's falling apart."

Namjoon finally broke, he pressed his palms against his eyes, his elbows rested on the table.

"Joon, you need to stop taking in everyone's pain." Jin softly spoke and rubbed Namjoons back to comfort him. "You yourself need room to grieve for Hana. And I don't think you've let yourself do that." Jin honestly spoke as Namjoon broke into sobs, they wracked his body as he cried.

"You have been too busy trying to help us all when you need to actually focus on yourself." Jin got up and got tissues for him. "Here, why don't you relax on the couch and I'll finish making this soup. Maybe we can watch a movie together?" Jin has a small smile on his face.

After a few moments pass, Namjoon nodded solemnly.

"Thanks hyung.. you're right. I haven't taken time for myself." He slowly started to calm down. He really appreciated Jin in this moment. He was always there for his members but who was there for him?

Jin couldn't stand seeing the invisible heavy burden Namjoon carried for the group as the leader. He took full responsibility for mistakes he himself never made.

"Joon, everything will be okay. I promise." Jin smiled.

"We're going to be okay."

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