Skulker's Visage

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Slenda holds my chin and directs my head, "Peer this way, please," she tilts my face up to hers, and a light beams from where one of her own eyes should've been.

"Your eyesight seems fine," she notes before touching two fingers to my head, "and so are your cerebral functions. There is no telling if a sudden stroke or seizure may occur in the near future, however," she holds my hand to feel my pulse, "Odd."

"What?" I lift my head.

"Your pulse is significantly lower. I must bring this up to Ann to address whether or not it is a problem; your brain might not be getting enough oxygen. Are you feeling lightheaded?"

"No," I shake my head, "I feel like nothing's changed."

Slenda nods silently and stands, "I will monitor your vitals over the course of a week. You will also spend your nights in Ann's hospital room so that you do not die in your sleep."

We walk to Ann's medical room. It's still nighttime. Did Slenda seriously watch me for an entire day? I wonder if the others saw me like that too. To know that I laid cold and dead in Slenda's lap in front of everyone else is almost embarrassing, in a way. More so, it's just plain weird to have a corpse laying around. Slenda has my respect for dealing with me even if she's used to worse.

Ann works at her desk, sorting pills into different bottles and taking notes on a sheet of paper while Jane sits across from her, talking about something out of context.

"-and then she had the nerve to call me out on such a trifle. It was a simple prank – less harmful than any one of Benny's, might I add – and yet she takes Jess's side!"

Ann sees us come in behind Jane, and her eye lights up, something I haven't seen at all during my small time spent here. Jane follows behind her as she fast-walks over to me and starts looking me up and down. Ann looks to Slenda and then back to me before throwing her arms around my neck and pulling me into her shoulder for a tight hug. Jane, who stands behind her, holds in a laugh. I'm still too dazed to process any of it.

Ann pulls back, showing a smile that can be seen from her eye, "Still among the living, I see! You had me so worried — two hours? Why could you have not woken up two hours earlier than your expected wakeup? Now that would be something to add to my list of medical anomalies! Come here, we must monitor your vitals before I let you go. If you died from a sudden hemorrhage within the brain, I would revoke my expired license as a nurse, doctor, and psychiatrist."

With an amused face, I glance at both Jane and Slenda as Ann drags me to a hospital table. Slenda seems to be enjoying herself since she puts a hand over her mouth to stifle her own laughter.

Jane chuckles, "I believe you should let him stretch his body and take a walk before condemning him to one of your concrete beds with tubes up his ass."

Ann shakes her head, and puts a pulse oximeter on my good hand, "Jane, forgive me, but you should trust your doctor and leave it to me. I cannot tell you how many idiotic patients thought that they had more medical knowledge than myself when I had worked at a hospital. Go! You are contaminating the air! There is no telling whether the Branding compromised his immune system."

At this, Jane departs swiftly and leaves Slenda in the room, "Do you require any assistance?" The tall woman offers.

"No," Ann gets done checking my breathing with her stethoscope, "(Y/N) is in good hands, although I am sure you will listen intently for my calling if the need arises."

After a moment, Slenda vanishes in the blink of an eye and leaves me and Ann alone together. She finishes her basic vitals analysis and takes notes on a clipboard next to me.

Pure of Mind and Sharp of Knife (Male Reader x Female Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now