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After waking up in the morning, Ann restarts the fire while Jane, Jackie, and I check every corner of the house for objects of use. We're on the clock here. If neighbors realize no one's left the house, they'll get suspicious. It's better to prepare and make our lives in the woods easier as we plan our next move.

I wrench the heavy blankets from the beds upstairs and throw them over my shoulder. Jane emerges from the bathroom with toothpaste and two boxed toothbrushes. She shakes her head disappointedly.

"There is nothing much to take except for food," Jane looks down at the brushes, "We will have to share."

I scratch my head, "We're close now. I don't mind."

At that, Jane blushes just as Jackie walks out of a bedroom with a shotgun in her hands. She pumps it with one hand, making Jane hold her hand out and push the barrel down.

"I do hope that you have the safety on," Jane steps away from Jackie.

Jackie inspects it, putting her masked face up close to it, "Mm, yes, on. Here — buckshot."

Jane shows me a worried glance and takes the gun from Jackie, "Give me that."

Jackie shrugs and walks downstairs, "Suit yourself."

"Jackie has a bad track record with guns," Jane whispers as we follow her down, "It would be best to keep them away from her."

Brushing ash off of her arms, Ann's eye widens at the sight of the shotgun, "A gun? Let me see that."

Jane holds it away, "No guns. We are leaving this here."

"We could keep it for hunting, Jane," Ann insists, holding her hand out.

Jane raises her voice, "Noise is the last thing we want when we have a bunch of bodies in the goddamn basement!"

The doorbell rings followed by a few knocks. All of us stare at it like deer in headlights. My heart falls into my stomach, and I remain silent, looking at Jackie for instruction, but she looks at me confusedly too.

A muffled woman's voice comes from the door, "Henry? It's me, did you get my text? Is everything ok?"

Although Jane opens her mouth, her voice is replaced by a man's, "I'm sorry, who is it?"

"Oh, William, it's you. Where is your brother? He didn't come to work this morning," the woman calls.

Jane glances at Ann, "Henry got a mighty cough. Contagious too, the doctor told us. Best I don't open the door since I was around him."

"Oh, dear, sick with what?" the voice gets closer to the door.

With a frustrated expression, Jane says, "Flu, and it ain't gettin' better neither."

There's silence on the other end, "Well, I'll leave you to it, then. Hope he feels well soon enough."

After a long moment of silence and holding our breath, we hear a car start up. I let out my anxiety with one long exhale. Jane smiles as Ann wipes a cold sweat from her forehead.

"I forgot you could do that," I chuckle nervously.

Jane smiles, "Heard one of the boys speaking through the walls when we were stuck in the blizzard last night."

Walking into the kitchen and sitting at the table, Jackie already forgets how close we were to getting found out, "Breakfast?"

Shaking her head, Ann reaches into her pocket, "First of all, I believe I found car keys. We could use this if we ever get in a pinch... or just want to have a smooth journey outside of a snowy forest. Can anyone here drive?"

Pure of Mind and Sharp of Knife (Male Reader x Female Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now