Envenomed and Encoiled

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The whole mansion waits in the living room. Ann fidgets beside me, and Jane lays beside Clocky on the couch, arms crossed and rigid from the tension in the air. Painter holds Lulu in her arms beside Angel. Both Clocky and Angel look like they wanna jump over the table and rip me open. Everyone else seems saddened and repulsed. Slenda finally comes into the room from her office and takes a deep breath as she sits beside Painter. Jackie is absent. Can she not bear to face me anymore because of Painter's lies?

Painter's smiley mask does not help to ease my nervousness. My stomach is practically a cocoon from the amount of butterflies bouncing around inside of it.

"It has come to my attention that you have been..." Slenda leans over to Painter, "Please tell me again. Are you sure?"

After Painter whispers to her, Slenda sits up straight and takes in another breath of air.

I'm at the edge of my seat. I keep glancing at Painter, who must be grinning wider than Jess behind that mask.

With a disgusted tone, Slenda reveals the lies that Painter has told everyone, "It has come to my attention that you have been having thoughts of sexually assaulting the girls under this roof."

Everyone looks at me, eyes widening at Slenda finally saying it aloud to them as if it's confirmed their fears. Ann squeezes her knees at the news, and Jane's jaw drops. Clocky seethes.

"What?" I ask breathlessly, "You can't be serious, r-right?"

I glance around at everyone. Jill won't make eye-contact with me, and Lulu starts to sob. Painter makes a show of calming her down.

"With what evidence do you claim that? I haven't laid a goddamn finger on anyone here and never-"

Painter cuts me off, letting Angel hold Lulu as she stands, "(Y/N), please do not lie about such a thing. It is for the safety of everyone here and those who have previously been affected by urges like yours," she glances at Clocky, "that you confess so that Slenda may decide what must be done."

I grip my legs, "There's nothing to be done! I never thought of-"

"There is no need to get violent!" Painter interrupts, "Please, confess the truth already. You told me during our only therapy session that, ever since you entered the mansion, these thoughts have been plaguing you like a parasite," Painter sits back down next to Lulu.

Angel speaks up to Slenda, "I can confirm as an alibi that, as I left Painter's room on that night, (Y/N) entered to have a talk with her."

Painter shakes her head, "Before that, he met with Lulu in her bedroom that same night, trying to earn her trust and," she leans down to speak with the crying girl, "he touched you?"

Lulu nods, unable to speak the real details of what actually happened through her crying. Half truths make the best lies. I only touched her goddamn shoulder! That bitch must have convinced Lulu that I tried to pressure her that night, and now everyone is buying into the crying and alibi. What evidence do I even have for myself?

I'm speechless knowing Painter will only cut me off again, but Ann decides to speak for me, "Such accusations are enough to ruin this poor boy's image. Slenda, I can assure you that, as a doctor and psychiatrist, I would have noticed predatory behaviors before it became a problem. Even if (Y/N) did have thoughts of performing these atrocities, I could help him. I could rid him of those desires."

Ann is arguing for damage control, at this point.

Slenda shakes her head, "If he has these thoughts, he is a danger to the mental health of the others. It is for the safety of the rest of my proxies that I nip the problem at the bud."

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