Skulker's Howl

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Rouge sleeps soundlessly in my arms when I wake up. My recollection of the dream I awaken from is fleeting, but the smile plastered on my face tells me everything I need to know. The last image I can recall of it is sitting at a pink bedside. I was holding a small hand in mine and holding a book in the other. There was a nightlight in the corner of the room, but I can't remember anything else. The image of it is all blurry. Once I notice Rouge stirring, the dream is forgotten forever.

"Goodmorning, (Y/N)," she whispers, kissing my head.

I kiss her in return and blush lightly, still not used to the fact that I slept with a woman for the first time, "Did you sleep alright?"

"Like a rock. You got me really tired last night," she pulls my head to her neck.

The drowsiness of awakening along with her motherly comfort makes me slip into sleep before I can make an effort to keep my eyes open. Rouge nudges me awake. It feels like I've closed my eye and opened it again a second later but the clock behind Rouge tells me two hours have passed.

There's a weight at the foot of my bed which I can only guess is the Rake. When I take a look at it, I can see how it stares at Rouge. Its usual appearance of bloodlust is now replaced with something more sexual. The way it stares at her almost sets me off, but I slide out of bed and ignore it. It can't touch her anyway. It would also look silly to start punching the air in front of Rouge.

"You caught yourself a curvy one, (Y/N)," the Rake runs a dark purple tongue over its teeth.

I grit my teeth and walk over to my closet to get dressed, ignoring the Rake. It walks around me, trying to get a look at my face as it chuckles. Turning away from it, I walk over to the bathroom to wash up. Rouge gets dressed as I start brushing my teeth. She hugs me from behind when I finish up.

Together, we peek out the door and leave the bedroom. What should I do today? I can enjoy myself however I want; there's no fighting or missions being assigned at the moment. At midnight, however, I'll have to meet Scarecrow at the planned spot: the great tree in my old neighborhood. Will she even show up?

"I'm gonna go check on Helen," I tell Rouge over my shoulder.

Rouge doesn't respond and starts to follow me down the stairs. When I get to the living room, I feel her get closer to my shoulder.

"What's got you so clingy all of a sudden?" I chuckle nervously.

"Am I not allowed to keep you safe?" she gets closer to me.

"From what?" I stop near the medical room, "Benny's pranks?"

Rouge shrugs, "Anything. You saw how quickly Zalga snatched you up. I'm not gonna let that happen again."

I sigh as I open the door, "Fine, fine, if it makes you feel better, you can stay close. Just don't follow me into the bathroom or anything."

The fact that she's unwilling to part with me will make meeting Scarecrow tonight harder. Entering the medical room, I find Helen asleep on her hospital bed. Her leg is propped up on a pillow at the foot of it. Her clipboard is on the floor beside it, probably having slipped off the bed sheets when she fell asleep. Rouge's footsteps wake Helen up.

Helen rubs her eyes, "Hm? Oh, (Y/N), goodmorning."

I smile as I walk over to her bedside, "Sorry for interrupting your sleep."

She shakes her head, "It is just fine. What is wrong?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to check on you," I crouch down and pick up her clipboard and pen.

Helen takes them from my hands, "That is awfully kind of you. Maybe you will start making breakfast in bed for me?"

"Don't get too comfy," I shrug with a grin, "I only want to make sure you're doing alright. Has your leg improved at all?"

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