A Stab in the Dark

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Jill's long arms embrace me just as a girl would hug her teddy bear. For a moment, I am completely at peace until her nails begin digging into my back.

"Jill, your nails," I grunt, looking over my shoulder and see black claws extending from her fingers.

She growls into my ear, "You're not leaving me again... are you?"

Her claws stop extending, but she keeps them dug under my skin, "Of course not, I can't even leave if I wanted to! I'm one of you now."

My long lost friend's clawed hands ease their tension as she pulls back to put her hand over my head.

"You look exactly the same as that time, " Jill smiles, seeing through me and into her own memories.

She sits there, staring at me for minutes on end until I speak up, "Jill... I need to meet the others. Can I leave for now? We've all the time in the world to catch up with each other, don't worry."

On a happier note, Jill stands me up and fixes my hair, "Alright, you made a promise to me that you won't leave, and I know you never break them."

I can't help but grin as Jill gently pushes me away towards the door. Stepping into the hallway, I show her a reassuring smile as I nod and shut the door. At the price of a few close friends, I suddenly gain another and a group that could grow to be closer than Gray, Felix, and Matt ever were to me. Was it all worth it?

Jess couldn't care less about me, Tobi probably hates me for triggering her bipolarity, and Angel's going to cut off my head! If Mom were here, I'd ask for her advice, but that's just impossible at this point. Maybe I'll go see Slenda later if she has the time?

Next up is Clockwork. A combination of clock hands and cogs make up her name on the door. Coincidence? Most definitely not, if I consider the past encounters. The door flings open the moment my knuckles strike it.

"Woahoho! Jane was right! I couldn't even hear ya with my ear to the door!" she exclaims, crouching down and poking at my feet.

She stands up and offers me a handshake, the small clock lodged in her eye gleaming, "I'm Clockwork! You can just call me Clocky. It's been a hot minute since we've gotten a new addition! Hopefully ya don't die in the first few days to some petty minion of Zalga's, though. That'd be a bummer."

"Who is-"

"Now, now, now, come on in! I'll show ya around my room if ya have the time," she drags me in by the arm and holds me in place by the shoulders before pointing, "See that weird ax thing? I got it after killing a high ranking Dreg that answered directly to Zalga. There's still dried blood on it from when I chopped him in half! See? Do ya see it?"

"Yeah, I see it... Real nice," I take her hand off my shoulder, "but who's-"

"Oh, right! I still keep the heads of my kills under the floorboards," she pulls back a rug and lifts a plank to reveal decaying faces staring up at us, "Kudos to Angel for helping me with that! There's no one else you can trust with decapitation around here except-"

"Clocky!" I interrupt, holding up my hands, "I'm sorry. You wouldn't let me talk."

Clockwork appears shocked but laughs it off, "Oh, right, right. I sometimes talk too much, sorry."

She goes unnaturally silent for a moment with a brooding look before grinning and walking up to me, "Looks like our time's up! Go see the rest of the Proxies and try not to get a knife stuck in your throat! If ya ever need a hand in killing someone, just swing by my room any time!"

Then, she disappears behind the door, and so does my faith in getting to know everyone. You would think someone so talkative would spill some details about what they are like, right? I glance at the name of the next room. Hopefully "Eyeless Jackie" turns out to be a bit more informative. Maybe she'll tell me about this "Zalga" person too. My mind is too swept up in Clocky's energy that I forget to knock before I enter.

Pure of Mind and Sharp of Knife (Male Reader x Female Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now