Face Stealer

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The creature that Slenda once referred to as the "Rake" sits on my legs, its clammy hand still clutching my throat and face touching mine. It huffs hot breath onto my cheeks. I can't bring myself to move a muscle. How'd it get in? Is it going to kill me? Take my face?

"Don't you know it's disrespectful to defile the bodies of the dead?" It rumbles, its fingers squeezing my neck.

My mouth hangs open, searching for air to breathe.

It tilts its head, "What's wrong, Face Stealer? Cat got your tongue?"

The Rake leans away, giving me space, and I finally find the courage to speak, "Ho-How are you a-alive?"

"Alive?" It lets go of my throat and slaps a hand on its head as it laughs, what's left of its hair hanging over its eyes, "You think I'm alive? When my face rests right next to you? Even though you've worn me for hours on end, you think I still draw breath?"

I don't know what to say to it. My eyes are glued to its veiny hands and the doggish claws at its bony fingertips. I lift my shaking hand to feel my throat only to recoil at the sweat and slime where it'd been holding me still.

"Speak, Face Stealer," The Rake barks, its voice echoing and making me jump.

"I don't know! I can f-feel you... hear you... see you... and- and smell you," I stammer the last part, hoping I don't anger it.

It pushes its face up mine again, "And you believe that constitutes reality? Hahaha! Zalga will break you if you ever land in her hands. It will be your least fortunate day if you do- no. No, no, no, when you do," it grins, "Indeed, I am dead."

"Then... how?" I question, leaning back from it.

"'H-How?'" It mimics my voice before letting out a hoarse wheeze, "You are pathetic! To think that I was slain and skinned to be worn by a sad thing like you makes me sick to my fucking stomach!"

I gulp, humiliated as well as scared, "Just answer my question."

The Rake forces its greasy fingers into my mouth, reaching the back of my throat and making me gag, "Shhh, shh, shh. Shush. Your voice irritates me. I am here because I chose to be. My soul is bound to that mask for me to seek my fill of blood that was denied to me in life. I'll visit you as I please when you are asleep or wearing my skin."

It chuckles as it slides its fingers out of my mouth, tugging on my tongue and bursting into a coughing fit of laughter when I retch and spit onto the floor. Bile rises in my throat, but nothing erupts from my stomach.

I spit and narrow my teary eyes at my mask, "I'll fucking kill you. Why are you here?"

The Rake holds in a laugh behind its array of teeth as it rolls backward off the bed. It lands on the floor without a bump, and I crawl to the edge to find it gone. I lean over the top of the bed and see it staring back at me from underneath.

I barely manage to throw my head up before it can grab me. It coughs out a laugh as it retracts its hand back under the bed. I grab my knife and jump off the bed, facing it and waiting for the creature to emerge. Sitting in front of my bedroom door, neither of us move from where we wait. I reach back for the door handle, not willing to take my eyes off where it still hides.

My hand clutches flesh. I whip around and see it standing behind me on two legs, taller than me and just barely shorter than Jill. It grasps my mouth before I can scream and holds back my knife in its other hand.

"Pitiful, really. There's no hope for you, Face Stealer. Let me tell you a little secret," The Rake puts its mouth up to my ear, "Zalga sits on the other side of my thoughts. If you tell anyone about this, I'll inform the Devil herself to trample this dump until nothing is left but a sea. Of. Ash. None of you are prepared for her. No matter how much you think you are, you never will be."

Pure of Mind and Sharp of Knife (Male Reader x Female Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now