Chapter 2- Reunion

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It was the final day. Nobody ever took it seriously. The Weasley twins set firework displays among school property, Seamus dabbled with Snape's potions causing an explosive mess but most importantly, the feast. After Dumbledore hosted his speech, the student's conversation filled the Grand Hall. Isabel turned to Draco, 'Are you sure I can stay, it's alright if you've changed your mind. I can stay here'. Draco tittered to himself.

'Isabel, please stop it. My parents are fine with it. Mum especially, she can't wait to see you.' Isabel grinned to herself. She felt truly appreciated for once. Of course, she knew her parents loved her, but they were always out working, barely had time for her.

After the banquet, they both made their way to the Slytherin common room where they would collect their bag. 'Hurry up Isabel. We're never going to get a good set on the train.' This caused her to laugh, 'What, what is so funny?' Draco hated to be in the fire line of anyone's comedic attribute.

'Don't be silly. We will go by floo. Dumbledore has a network entry in his office and I know for certain that you house has one'. This caused the Malfoy to turn somewhat red in the face. To show his lack of knowledge up was quite embarrassing to him but since it was her, he'd let it slide. Grabbing their bags, they headed towards Dumbledore's office. 'Are you sure this is okay?' Draco asked. He was quite a risk taker; for instants, sneaking out to Hogsmeade with Goyle and Crabbe on a school night as well as questioning teacher's authority and ability; but when it came to Dumbledore, Draco tread carefully.

'Certainly! Why else do you think you don't see me on the train at the starting of each term? Anyway, hold my hand.' And with a puff of green smoke they were gone.

Coughing and waving his hand to move the puffs of ash, Draco felt the cold hearthstone around him. After the ash was moved, he was faced with a beautiful woman with a surprised expression painted on her face. She dropped the china item in her hand causing a clash to fill the room. 'Draco!' she faintly whispered rushing towards him. They held each other in a loving embrace that lasted what seemed a life time. 'I didn't know you could travel by floo,' she exclaimed astonished. Draco looked back at Isabel, who was looking at the floor awkwardly, trying not to disturb the family reunion.

'Actually, Isabel can,' he gave a half-hearted smile before turning back to his mother.

'Oh of course, Isabel how nice of you to join us!' Narcissa cried out grabbing her in a heart-warm embrace, kissing her on each check. Suddenly, the atmosphere turned cold. Stone cold.

'What was that that smashed?' a sombre voice emerged from the shadows. Isabel hide behind Draco in a sense of protection.

'Sorry my love,' Narcissa defended, 'it's just I'm astonished that Draco travelled by floo all thanks to Isabel.' Lucius travelled forward towards the young adults.

'Is that so?!' he questioned. He quickly turned his attention, 'My darling, Isabel, its so nice for you to join us,' he stated whilst taking here hand and kissing it lightly. Isabel bit her lip and looked down at the floor, hiding her embarrassed pleasure from them. She questioned to herself if he knew what he was doing. Arousing someone so easily. The lust seething through yet the elegance concealing it; as if in response, his smirk grew wider. 'Now do you want the house elves to carry your bags up to your rooms?' asked Narcissa causing Draco to chuckle to himself.

'You expect us to do it ourselves? Cause that would be a cruel joke!' he clapped his hands, summoning the arrival of numerous house elves to their commands.

Once Isabel was shown to her room by the elves, she was speechless. It was a lot for her to process. Everything was immaculate. The bedroom was a black and white marble room with a four-curtain black bed in the centre. everything corresponded perfectly. But it was the Malfoy manor, what did you expect? She sat down upon the black silk sheets, caressing her fingers upon them. Of course, she had stayed with Draco before, but it had never truly sunk in the luxuries of his manor. As she continued to daydream about the room, she was fazed by a knock on her door. 'Come in,' she welcomed, expecting it to be Draco.

'Hello Isabel,' a sultry voice erupted. Isabel turned her head to the sight of Mr. Malfoy. Her eyes widen.

'Ohh... hello.' She fumbled in surprise. Lucius strode towards her, becoming more and more authoritative. He sat down beside her on the bed.

'Draco told us you hesitant about staying,' he continued, 'you know we don't bite?!' He finished with a smirk. Isabel could barely conjure up a sentence. She was to mesmerized by the blonde hair man next to her. This was the most they had ever spoke in years. Lucius huffed, 'Well, look at the time, I'd better go sweetheart.' he cocked his eyebrow up and grinned. Before she could muster any words to dismiss him, he was gone. There was something about him. Something so mysterious, luring. He knew that had power over any one. Isabel chose to ignore it, but always knew he lurked at the back of her mind.

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