Chapter 13- Decisions

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The green flames withered away around his hands. The cloth dissolved from his grasp. "NOOOO!" his scream filled the house. Chandeliers shook. Walls cracked. Doors creaked. 

"My lord-" Wormtail was silenced before he could start.

"You imbecile. You fucking imbecile." Voldemort screamed at the cowering rat as he fell further to the ground. "That was certain. That was our weapon. And you," he scurried to the rat, "And you let them go." Grabbing Wormtail by the collar, Voldemort's wand was shoved against his snout. He was ready to obliterate him into smithereens.

"I'm sorry my lord. It won't happen again my lord." His wand pushing further and further; practical piercing the skin.

"There won't be a next time. And if there is, you will make sure it would never fucking happen. That she will not slip out of your sticky, grubby, useless fingers." The force of his words landing on the face of Pettigrew in the form of his saliva. The tone becoming more and more threatening with each sentence. Wincing and tears almost spilling out, Pettigrew pleaded for his mercy. He knew and understood what Voldemort was capable of. Heck, he had witness the worse of his crimes; Pettigrew was just sensible enough to not underestimate his lord even when it came to one of his own. 


"My lord," Lucius flurried down the stairs, wavering his hands in civilisation. "He isn't worth it. He isn't worth the spell, the words to utter it. Anyway, he can be pretty useful." He scowered at the coward up and down. Making eye contact with the aristocrat, Voldemort shoved the rat to the ground and strode up to him.

"He lost me my victory." He was still crying out in anger. Still bitter. 

"No, he didn't, my lord. She will come back." Lucius remained poised as he cocked an eyebrow. "I promise."

"And if she doesn't?" Voldemort edged becoming more and more closure to him. 

"You can hold me accountable I guess, my lord." He tilted his head.

"That's a very bold move of you, Lucius." he laughed obnoxiously into his face, "Yet again, you were always a loyal one, weren't you?" There were many things to know about being a Death-Eater and one of them was that if you were held accountable for something wrong or minorly inconvenient, then that was it. You would be nothing. Everything would be stripped. Your dignity, self-respect, pride. Everything that you thought you didn't need and took for granted. However, sometimes Voldemort could be more gracious. He could end it all for you. Save you the humiliation and the embarrassment. And for Lucius, he would rather take death however much he feared it. You would be a fool not too than underestimate the pure evil of Voldemort.

"She will be back. You have my word." Lucius confirmed.

"You know that this time Lucius, if you fail, the reparations won't solely be on you?!" Voldemort coaxed. "Draco on the other hand. We need to break him in." Lucius stood back, astonished by the comment. 

"With all due respect, my lord, regardless of if she comes or not, we both know that you are going to expect too much of Draco in his first task. This is about me, not the boy." He started to play with the tips of his fingers in nervousness.

"Right now, Lucius, we don't have time to beat around the bush. Draco can be a mighty and powerful wizard, if you let him." He waltzed around letting his offer linger.

"What is it?" Lucius lowered his head, "What are you going to ask of him?"

"To get rid of an inconvenience. A disturbance in my glory." Lucius raised his eyebrows in confusion. Surely it wasn't as easy at it sounds. "Dumbledore" As Lucius's face crumbled, Voldemort's grew a cunning grinned. It even caused a gasped from Wormtail to erupt.

"Fuck off, Wormtail!" Lucius spat suddenly. He shrunk even smaller. "My lord, that is to much. Simply to much. He is a boy."

"Now now, play nicely." And with that Voldemort departed, not giving a second look to Lucius last point. An explanation. Lucius couldn't believe it. The pure lack of respect that he had for the Malfoy's astounded him. It confused him. He understood the circumstances, but the loyalty that his family had showed should have been enough to be some-what gracious to him. He shook his head, rubbing his temples with the tips of his fingers before his hands devoured the rest of his face. "Oh and Lucius?!" Voldemort turned around one last time, "You know if you don't get her, It will be a field day to tell what you and Miss Montgomery do behind close doors." And with that, he departed for good. 

"Fuck!" He bellowed, "FUCK." His cried echoed among the walls. Reaching Draco in the high towers of the building, the young Malfoy closed his eyes at the voice of his father. It was filled with disappoint and sadness. What Draco failed to realise is that the disappointment was for him but for Lucius himself. How he had failed the ones he loved dearly. Following the shouting of her husband, Narcissa ran to his aid, her hands massaging the back of his shoulder blades. she gently hushed his frustration as her arms trailed around his neck. 

"What's the matter dear?" Narcissa gently whispered. But Lucius wouldn't answer, he simple shrugged her off like an old coat that he didn't care about. Leaving her teary-eyed in the middle of the room. 


Falling down onto the slate stones, Isabel's breath was pushed out of her. She analysed the room she was in, pushing herself in to the corner of the fire place. She was safe. Too scared to take anymore of her surroundings in she didn't notice the wise man that creeped around the corner of the mantle, peering in to the sight of a person in the corner.

"Miss Montgomery?!?" Dumbledore questioned as he put forth his hand. Taking it, Isabel panted whilst taking her stance.

"He's back Professor! Voldemort is back!" She cried looking at the Professor for help. After helping the young girl up, Dumbledore turned his back and sauntered towards his desk. "Why aren't you saying anything!" She cried louder in distress.

"I know Montgomery." He said calmly. Taking his set at his desk. He started to write, diverting his attention away from the girl. She couldn't believe how Dumbledore completely dismissed her. Her mouth open, but no words came out. Not even a murmur. 

"Please say something?!" She begged further. At this point, she opposed the bearded wizard, her hands slamming on the desk. Startling Albus, he moved his eyes to the direction of the distress, barely fazed. The look of his eye seemed angry yet calm. Dishearten yet pleased. Setting his quill neatly down beside his parchment and arose from his extravagant throne. Isabel, who took a seat out of exhaustion, didn't know what to expect next. Punishment or dismissal. Knowing the legendary story about the 'boy who had lived' its was an unwritten rule that no one else who didn't have association with Harry Potter where to get too involved with this... alteration to put it lightly. She gulped as the Headmaster towered over her.

"I Might have to ask you to do something Isabel. Something that might be too much."


Authors Note: Sorry that this took time with this, I didn't know which way to go with this. I hope you enjoy. Also sorry it is shorter. 

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