Chapter 16-Red Handed

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Draco laid in his bed staring at the ceiling. He had moved in hours. Still being shaken by the events, he was filled with rage and disappointment. Pulling himself up, he rubbed his face in his hands, putting pressure against his eyes so he could visualise anything, anything but that. He opened his mouth but only for nothing for nothing to come out. No screeches, yells or cries. Not even a whimper. His fingers made their way to his other hand, pulling off the well-crafted rings off his hands and carefully aligned them upon his dresser neatly in size order. Before long, his fist slammed into the wall, leaving a rather remarkable dent. His feet collided with the legs of his bed, beginning to chip away at the wood. His hands slammed all his belongings off the shelves, cabinet, desks. His rings remaining perfectly aligned. He ripped the bed sheets off his bed, throwing them on the floor among the other goods trashed there. He was to immersed in this mess to notice Isabel letting herself into his room. Her eyes widen in horror at the bomb-sight of his bedroom. He turned around, clutching a rather weighty-metal object he was ready to chuck against the wall. He let it fall out of his clasp.

"You!?" he bawled, voice deep in anger. "How dare you. You humiliated me. You made me look weak. I could have done it you know. I was about to before you waltzed in." His hand gestures becoming out of control.

"Draco, I did you a favour." Isabel tried to reason.

"A favour. A fucking favour. You think humiliating me and belittling me is doing me a favour." He started to poke his finger closer and closer in her face. "You did it for the glory." She sighed at the accusation leaning her face away from is index finger.

"For the long term I did it for you. I didn't do it for the glory." She shook her head.

"For the long term? You didn't do for that cause how would it help me in any way?" He rubbed his face again. "How did you know I was there anyway?" he quietened down.

"I just did." She stuttered avoiding eye contact with the blue-eyed boy.

"You just... did." His face was plastered with a sarcastic smile. "I am so sick of it. I am so sick of you. Of this. Of living in the shadow of fucking  everyone. I have always been walking in my fathers and now yours." He began to turn frail, "I'm so fucking sick of it." he collapsed down onto his bed, tugging any remaining blankets around him. Treading carefully, Isabel stood over him before residing next to his body and dragging him up in her embrace. He cried relentlessly sobbing into her chest, grabbing her clothes and pulling him closer to her. "Fuck you." he manged to muster between each weep. All Isabel could do was pull him even closer, resting her chin on his head and stroke his back in comfort. He was beyond distraught and she couldn't blame him.

They stayed there for hours until Draco peacefully fell asleep in her arms. Placing him carefully on the bed and trying not to disturb his slumber, she pulled the covers over him. Isabel pushed his hair out of his face to admire him in such a serene state. With a flick of her wand, all the objects he destructed where put back into place. All the indentations in the wall covered back to normal. The chips of wood restoring themselves back to where they belong. She glanced at his night stand where she noticed the alignment of his rings in uniform order. Reaching out for his red hands, she slid them back onto his fingers being mindful of all the self-inflicted cuts and wounds. Beginning to caress the bruises on his knuckles, she dwelled about the insults hurled at Draco earlier and the remarks about his father. It was true, he was just like his father but only physically. Yes, they shared some behavioural attributes but they couldn't be further from each other. Draco needed constant reassurance in times of need and stress, Lucius on the other hand took it in his stride ignoring any irrational emotion. But one thing they had in common was that they were not cowards. They did what they needed to do. Especially for their family; something that the majority of the Death Eaters lacked. A stable, loving environment.

Slowly pressing the door shut, Isabel heard a bellows erupt from the study. Following where they came from, she was witnessed two rather squiffy men slumped in their chairs. Cigars and Whiskey occupying both of their hands. It sounded as if an end of a loud disagreement just took place. "Well Lucius if you'll excuse me." Isabel noticed her father arising from his seat, slamming his glass down on the desk, smashing his cigar in the ash tray. His tone was angry.

"Atticus," Lucius called after him, "Look out." He raised his eyebrow in warning. With that, Atticus briskly left the room, his foot steps heavy. Isabel left it for a minute before entering, not wanting to be suspicious. It let her be left her alone briefly with her thoughts wondering what occurred between them. Deciding she left it long enough, she stepped in admiring the handsome man slouched in his chair. His sleeve where pushed up. The buttons on his shirt undone exposing his toned-pale chest. "Izzy?!" he chimed as he raised a sloppy toast. Whiskey spilling. 

"Is that what you calling me know?!" she crossed her arms after closing the door behind her slightly.

"Yeah, why not." He rested his cigar in the ash tray. The superior man arose, making his way to rest himself on the edge of his desk. "Anyway, what do I owe the pleasure of you being here?!" he slurred slightly.

"Heard a noise and thought I should investigate." She brushed off.

"Of course, you did." His voice snaked around her and so did his hands around her waist pulling her close, his hips slamming against hers. "Of course." He began to kiss down the side of her neck. Isabel pushed him away.

"Not now Lucius." Her hands placed in his. Before he could pull her back in, the door was pushed open.

"Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting something?" Narcissa obliviously stated, "Isabel, Severus wanted you." She left leaving the couple dumbfounded. Reuniting their gaze, Lucius sobered up real fast, snatching his touch away from Isabel's to massaged his temples with his hands. Leaving him there, Isabel ran out of the room and threw the corridors, calling out Narcissa's name which echoed throughout the hallways. Finally catching up to her, Narcissa stopped. 

"I am so sorry." Isabel panted as she studded in front of her, trying to catch her breath. 

"What are you on about Dear?" Narcissa knitted her eyebrows. "Severus is at Hogwarts by the way. If that's what you meant." Narcissa turned her back, leaving Isabel standing absolutely speechless in the hallway. She truly didn't know if Narcissa was in complete denial about what she had seen or if she was really that innocent and naïve to even spark some sort of jealousy at the pair of them.


Arriving a Hogwarts, Isabel stood in Severus's office examining the beauty that the room held. Gothic. The room was lined with shelves and shelves of books and illuminated with blue potions that were placed in the corners of the rooms and other high standing furniture. The stain-glass windows were beautiful turning the warm light that entered to be shown as a cold picture on the floor. Severus never had any paintings or pictures that hang among the walls; he was very much an alone soul. Roaming the place, she was soon caught off guard by Severus patiently standing the corner. "How long have you been there?" Isabel's hand was over her heart as she caught her breath slightly. "You frightened me."

"Oh. What a pity." Snape unsympathetically responded before taking a seat at his desk.

"Why did you call me here anyway." Isabel opposed him. Snape fumbled through the draws of his desk, retrieving out a small black velvet box a placing on the table, nudging it towards her. She stared at the box before flickering her eyes back at him. She delicately took the box off the desk to hold in front of her. Hesitantly opened the box, it revealed a peculiar shaped ring. The thick band was engraved with numerous eccentric patterns as it was topped with a square black gem which too was engraved.

"A gift." Snape mumbled. Isabel took the ring out of its holding before sliding it upon her finger. Her body winced at the touch. The slight burn it caused with the contact to her skin. "Have fun with it." He stated before getting up and heading for then door. Isabel looked at the ring, twisting it slightly. Noticing that it had left a black, Isabel sneered at the cheap quality of it. "And no, it's not cheap." Snape shot back. "Rather priceless really. People would kill to have it."

"Well- Errm thank you." Isabel held it up to the light watching it glimmer. 

"Now come on, we are going to be late!"

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