Chapter 25- The Other Side

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After word got out about the death of Voldemort, the wizarding world fell to silence. Whether it was out of astonishment or sadness, it did not matter. It felt as if things were back to normal, however normal it could be among this world. After Lucius left, no one knew where he was. If he was dead or alive. He vanished. Events spiralled and so did the conspiracies coming up with possible path ways he took. One being that he ended it as it got too much. Another being that he probably just vanished to one of his multiple homes abroad. Either way, it was one of the two.

After Isabel heard of the news of Voldemorts death, she broke down; her herself didn't now it it was out of relief of jealously. She often dreamed of the day that she would tower over that dead body of his and that she could cast down on his worthless sole. But she didn't have the honour of doing so. However, she knew that this curse had finally been lifted. She could finally be with him. In his arms. Could finally feel the kiss of his lips on her again. 

She ran to Severus office, bursting in through his door. "Severus, is it true?! I heard some students talk about in class. Is it true, is he dead?" She shot to his table, banging her fists down on his desk, demanding a response. Severus cocked his eyebrow.

"Is what true?" he questioned.

"Don't play stupid Severus, please. Is it true?" her eyes widen with anticipation. The seconds she waited for an answer felt like agony.

"Yes. He's dead..." before Severus could finish his sentence she screamed with solace, her hands clasping together. Muscles relaxing at the thought that she could be with him.

"Oh, thank God," her cries were loud, drowning out any of Snape's interjections. "Everything is okay. Everything will be okay." She frantically paced along his room, her fingers running through the scalp of her hair. Barely able to conjure up another sentence. 

Snape cleared his throat.

"Lucius... errm," he too struggled.

"What about him. Is he okay?" Isabel recoiled her body at the sound of his name.

"He killed him. Lucius killed Voldemort." Pulling his sleeves down to cover his hands. She froze. Her whole body froze. That wasn't possible. She must have heard him wrong.

She scoffed, "I'm sorry what?" she bit the bottom of her lip and shook her head with dismay.

"Lucius was responsible for Voldemort's death." He clearly repeated himself whilst looking at the girl. Her face fell more gormless. Knowing that Lucius was solely responsible for killing someone that he looked up to and followed for numerous years made weak. He wasn't the man she knew. But then again, she hadn't seen him in almost a year. Her hand covered her mouth, rubbing it in confusion. "Nobody knows where he went. Where he is. Isabel, I don't even know if he's dead or alive." Her heart broke harder at the that comment. What if he was dead? What if she were to never see him again? Too immersed in her thoughts spiralling, Snape arose from his desk to one of his book-shelfs.

"Severus," Isabel stared blankly at the table, "What if he dead?" Severus couldn't answer her. He simply pulled out a book and walked back to the table. Whilst placing it down in front of Isabel, he took his seat.

"Isabel, I think it's best you leave. For the other life style." He pushed the book closer in her range. 'A Muggle Escape' the book read. "I know how much you wanted a family of your own but I think not with Lucius." Laughing in his face, she waved her hands away before looking at Severus face. Why on earth would this sort of book exist? No one in their right mind would ever want to swap this life of thrill and easy for a life of bore and inconvenience. Severus's face made it clear that he wasn't joking..

"Oh, you are serious!" she knitted her eyebrows, "You want me to leave?"

"Everything is so uncertain. But this was your initial plan wasn't it!?" cocking his head, "I don't know where Lucius is-no one does, you are supposed to be dead and he could be too. For fuck sake Isabel, this is the fucking least you can do for yourself right now. You will only be living in a world of pain and constant reminders of someone that you love. Trust me, I know. And it eats away at you, every last piece. If you stay, you either have to come out of hiding or with a new identity and both look rather sketchy." His voice raised; slamming his fists down onto the desk. Isabel cowered back into her seat. Silence resonated. 

"Fine." She swiped the book off the table before leaving at the door. "It was nice knowing you Severus." She gave him a week smile before exiting.

Briskly walking down the corridor, Isabel stopped in her tracks; bursting into tears. Everything she did was for nothing. Absolutely nothing. The pain, the ache and the false sense of hope, it was all for nothing. She had lost more than everything. But then Severus was right, especially with Narcissa still around, everything would be a constant reminder of him. He could return any minute, but it would be so hard announcing that everything was a lie. She gripped the book tightly, pulling it closer into her chest. Compressing her sobs. 

That night Isabel fled back to the country side, back to an old cottages that Severus found for her. Somewhere quiet. She didn't look back; she couldn't. The first few days of her new life caused her scratch at the walls with insanity and boredom. Things will work out, she has the opportunity to start fresh, move on; things always work them selves out in the end. All things that reminded her of there were instantly gone. All but one. She pulled a necklace onto her chin, kissing the pendant on the chain. A Sweet Pea.

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