Chapter 11-Come again

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Noticing that the party had moved into the dining room, Isabel made her way to the table, creeping over to her seat. The room grew cold. Stone cold. Noticing that multiple things were off, her eyes examined the room. There was no food already on the table, the faces of the adults were distant and Lucius was not in his primal chair. He usual sat on his throne at the top of the table; no matter the occasion. However, he was sat on the end of the table. Like he was second in command. It was even more unusual that no one sat in his seat, like he did this willingly. As the chattered died down, everyone's glances turned towards the top of the table. A hiss filled the room. From this, a large, green snake slithered upon the furniture, weaving its self between the chairs and onto the table. Snaking itself down the table, eyeing every member in her path. Behind her, drifted in a hooded figure heading slowly towards the head seat. Its spindly fingers wrapped around the back of the chair, clenching its grip causing their nails to scrap against the wood. Lucius flinched at its actions, turning his head in the opposite way with disgust. Taking its place, the hooded figure lowered itself down into their seat before proceeding to unveil its hood. As the black velvet neatly creased to unveil the face, small whispers echoed among the walls. Him who must not be named. Isabel winced at the sight of him. Not only from the things he was done, but the things he knows.

"Welcome all." His empty voice greeted pushing the whispers of others to rest. Falling silent, the stares of the disciples fell to the floor. "I see we have new members!?" he gestured his hands grandly towards both side of him. Draco's head shot up looking to his parents, he never agreed to take after his father's decisions or actions. He looked to Isabel trying to retrieve any type of reassurance. Sure, they were still in dissension but he was trying to understand if she knew what was happening. She didn't. She was too busy looking at her own father for an answer, an explanation.

"Come again?!" Draco hissed quietly to his father. Lucius avoid all contact, physical and verbal, with both Draco and Isabel. "I didn't agree to this!"

"Well dear boy, only if you agree, of course." Voldemort swayed his arm in the direction of the young Malfoy.

"And what if we refused?" Isabel chimed, heads jolting in her direction. Voldemort chuckled at her remark as he raised from his seat. Strolling towards the girl, he fiddled with the edges of his wand; twirling it in his thought.

"And if you don't," his wand flicked in the direction of the table causing Nagini to follow, "it wouldn't be a problem. It is your choice." His eyes were still locked to the movement of his wand. "However, it would mean you were the enemy." He flicked his wand to point in the face of the young Montgomery. With that, the hiss from the snake bared at her, its fangs inches away. Isabel froze. He ushered the threat away, "Against your family." He finished returning back to his seat. Isabel turned her glare to her parents, not wanting to believe their true beliefs. Never in the past had they really shared such strong values on the topic of blood purity, but she thought they were compliant. Her father yanked up his sleeve, exposing his tattooed forearm. Glancing at his arm, he then looked back at his daughter. She refused to believe it, she didn't want to let it sink in.

"No." she whispered shaking her head in denial. She turned her attention towards Draco. With a rather empty expression on his face, he fell pale. "No! how could you hide such a thing from me? How could you expect me to eagerly accept this with no prior warning?" Abruptly excusing herself from the table, she rushed out of the room not giving a second look back.

"She will come around My Lord." Rosie insisted. Voldermort huffed. Then gesturing towards the young Malfoy, "What about you Draco? Great things could come to you. Great power. I've heard you're quite the wizard." Draco glanced down at the table and then back at Voldemort's. His mind was conflicted. 


Unconsciously, Isabel headed to her room that she stayed at during her time at the Malfoy's. Slamming the door behind her, she crept onto the bed, crawling to the top of it. Hauling the duvet around her, she wrapped herself into sense of security letting her thoughts spiral. How could her father hide this from her, her mother leading her into such evil? One thought after another, time surely did fly when in a state of an anxious breakdown, she was interrupted by the door slowly opening and letting cracks of light in. Wiping the single tear that rolled down her cheek, she shot her glance to the opening. It wasn't the people she thought would come after her to comfort nor the boy she thought she could relate to. Rather the man who she thought would be disgusted by her scene at the table.

"My darling," he said light-heartedly whilst approaching to sit on the edge of her bed after closing the door. Throwing the covers off her body, she slid up next to Lucius. Crossing her legs and bringing them in close to her body, she looked at Lucius who had rather a soften look upon his features. Bringing his hand up to her cheek, his thumb gently sweeping over it. "Quite the exist, I must say." Trying to make humour of the situation. Isabel nuzzled her face deeper into the palm of his hand before pulling away from his touch.

"I don't think I can, Lucius. I don't think I can do it." she mumbled to him. Knowing that Lucius was rather into his purity, she was quite astounded by the soft understanding he showed towards her. Placing his hand on her cheek again, Lucius pulled her even closer.

"Please, for me." He whispered before connecting their lips together, becoming deeper and deeper the longer they kissed. He broke away, "Or consider it at least." He pushed against her causing Isabel to fall back on the bed. Kissing every inch off her body, trailing down and leaving light marks upon her neck. Hitching up her dress up, Lucius raised her leg slightly and started to kiss her inner thigh leading closer towards the in-between of her legs. He scratched at the hem of her underwear before clawing them down. Without hesitation, he dived in and sucked her clit. Moaning in sheer bliss, she arched her back and brought her fingers down to his head running her them through his platinum locks. Only fuelling him to pleasure her even further, slipping his finger into her needy cunt. She gripped at his scalp almost screaming at the sensation. With her clit pulsating, Lucius knew that she was about to come.

"Come for me," He demanded. Not going against him, she rode out her orgasm, her face scrunching in complete bliss as he licked up every bit of the nectar she gave. Lucius readjusted himself so he was facing Isabel's gorgeous features and placed a light kiss on her plump lips. Doing so, he unbuckled his trousers to expose his erection.

"Ready for round two?" he smirked. Isabel nodded her head in complete submission, pleading for his cock to be in between her legs. Simpering at her response, he thrusted himself into her with barely any further warning and causing the each of them to exchange moans. Going deeper and deeper at each stroke. He buried his head in the crook of her neck, barely concealing the pure pleasure that she brought him. She scratched his back, digging her nails in deep and leaving raw red streaks as evidence. "You take it so well, gorgeous," he praised going back into kiss her.

"Lucius, I am going to come." She yelped begging for his permission.

"Come for me again, darling. Come around my cock." Her nails dug deeper into his skin, her moans louder as she rode her orgasm out for a second time. Sending Lucius over the edge, he climaxed; his hips jerking in his finish. Sitting up, he repositioned himself looking down on the girl whom was glowing. His hand reached down sweeping strands of hair away from her face, "You know how beautiful you are, don't you?" he smiled sweetly down on her. She turned away from his gaze, blushing at his remark.

"Stop it." she murmured. Standing up, he made his way back to the door and rested his hand on the side of it before stopping and turning back to look at her.

"Please think about it, for me." He said smiling. This was a rare sight from the Malfoy, showing an emotion especially one that was sincere and nice. With that he left, closing the door behind him.  


Authors note: I've got a feeling that not many people liked the last chapter so sorry about that, was just trying to get back in the swing of things lol. Anyway luv ya (hope this one is better) x 

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