Chapter 5- Taken Back

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What?! As the days rolled by, she could barely comprehend what happened. There was no going back now. What on earth was Draco going to thing if he found out (somehow). The holidays drew to a close and the number of students arriving increased gradually. Isabel's heart rate gradually increased due to the paranoia. What if someone found out? She thought. Of coursed people were to interested in others well-being and actions to care about her. Draco caught glimpse of her. Approaching her, a grin appeared on his lips. 'Izz...'

He always called her that nickname, it indicated a some-what warmth, 'You okay?' he came towards her. She replied with a faint smile before disappearing in the mass crowed that filled the Hogwarts halls. She could barely look him in the eye knowing what she did was wrong. Towards their friendship and social-status. Draco knitted his eyebrows towards her behaviour towards Isabel's behaviour. Was it something at the mansion? Was that the reason she left early!? Why she left early? Draco tried searching his mind for anything that would put Isabel at edge on leaving the manor. Draco's train of though was shortly interrupted by Goyle crashing into his shoulder causing him to spill his potion books across the floor. "I think you dropped something!?" Goyle snickered at Draco, his tongue swiping across his teeth with pure amusement. Draco was too deep into his thoughts to hit back with an insult. He simply just, shook out of his faze. Goyle, clocking Draco's action, came face to face with the Malfoy heir. "Everything alright? Isabel has really got you soft eh?" Goyle question, "not in that way though!" he nudged Draco's slender frame before returning to some type of seriousness. Draco turned his nose up by that previous remark.

"No, she's got me confused, actually. I was thinking," disgust for Greggory appeared on Draco's face, making his features a lot harsher. Goyle's eyes went blank. "Thinking, it's what normal sane people do!" Draco spat condescendingly. Huffing and rolling his eyes at that comment, Greggory shook his head.

"What you like her or something, cause it's obvious she likes you!" Goyle, a simple boy, could not comprehend that a man and women could have a civil platonic relation that evolved emotion and depth; let alone horny teenagers with a ranging libido and in the depth of questioning sexuality. Draco stood there, astonished at this slimy boy, eyes wide open. "Any way, what about Daphne? I thought you were getting with her. Why didn't you invite her around for the holidays?" Goyle, for once in his life asked a valid and sensible question that really made the blond boy think. Why did he invite Isabel round? Yeah sure her parents were busy but she was perfectly safe and happy at Hogwarts. They could have met anytime within the holidays. Draco shook those comments from his head, trying to act repulsed at the thought of him and Isabel ever being in a relationship.

"Because..." Draco flared his nostrils, looking up to find a quick descent excuse, "Daphne and I, aren't that serious. Just like fuck and that." It was half true. They weren't serious, but they could be. Draco wanted to be. It was just his fear of rabid rejection and serve humiliation. Goyle's was taken back a slightly. He was use for Draco to talk about girls like meat. Rip into them like he was ravenous. Like it was his first meal in a long while but he thought Daphne was different for him. Draco always seemed like he was on cloud-9 when with her.

"Okay..." Goyle glared wide eye at Draco, being off putted by Draco's response.

"Fuck off you virgin." Draco was confused at Goyle's action. He wasn't that degrading towards Daphne, was he?

"I gotta go, potions with Snape" Goyle dismissed himself rather quickly. Draco did not like that; Goyle taking some sort of control. Draco nodded his head goodbye, dismissing the heavy-built boy. He reluctantly picked up his pristine books off of the already grubby cobblestones that paved around Hogwarts. Picking himself back up, Draco came to an epiphany. That was it. It was him. The love triangle. The hesitation. The embarrassment. A smirk slithered across Draco's thin lips. His ego boosted just that little bit further. I have an admirer he thought to himself. Flashing he eyebrows up briefly, he additionally came to the conclusion that maybe Goyle was that useless after all.

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