Chapter 12- Bourbon and Lemonade

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Isabel stayed in that room that night and multiple other nights for that matter. She barely felt the time pass her by. She just lied there in a total trance not wanting this to be true. A reality. She was rather surprised that she was just left there with her thoughts. She did know if it was considerate that she wasn't being rushed to make a decision or if It was rather insensitive that no-one (since Lucius) had made an appearance to check up on the girl. Isabel decided it was time to leave these 4 walls that she solitarily stayed in. Noticing that it was rather late in the evening through a glance out of the window, she didn't want to bother Draco; not just yet anyway. As it was this late, she knew how quite the mansion would be and thought herself lucky that hardly anyone, if anyone, would be roaming the halls. Creeping out of her room, Isabel slowly made her way through the corridors trying to remember her way round this indoor maze. She ran her fingers against the walls still in complete awe about the house. How could a house of such beautiful glory be home to such ugly obscurities?

She found herself to come to the library with the door slightly ajar. Peeping her head through the crack, she saw Lucius sitting in a velvet arm-chair looking rather tired. She crept into the room, not bothering with knocking, making herself semi-visible in his view not wanting to be to bold in sight. With his nose in a book, it took Isabel serval coughs to differ Lucius attention, them getting slightly more prominent each time. But God he did look like Draco; or rather Draco looked like him. Lowering his book with his elbow balancing on the arm of the chair, Lucius gave a wistful smile to the mistress as he then brought a large glass of bourbon to his mouth. "She's alive!" he said sarcastically. Isabel rolled her eyes before edging closer to the man. "Have you given it any more thought?" he asked placing his book on the table but still keeping the bourbon in his clasp.

"Maybe" she innocently sighed, obviously still divided about the situation. "Bourbon is that? I can only take it with a mixer, always lemonade. Can I pour myself a glass?" she changed the subject.

"The only bourbon you should be consuming is the biscuit." he playfully huffed gesturing to the bottle and a separate glass, "By all means help yourself." Her fingers traced the Waterford crystal patterning down the neck of the bottle before decanting herself a small glass of the spirit. She knew she wouldn't be able to take it straight, not without a chaser or mixer, but a bit of alcohol in her system to calm her nerves would be a God send right now. She sipped it, trying to keep a strong poker-face from the taste. Lucius laughed at her. He came up behind her and started kissing the back of her neck. The marks he left prior had faded. He wanted to place new ones. Darker ones. With each kiss placed, he whispered in between, "It's not that bad, being a Death Eater." Isabel winced at the name, "My Lord is rather merciful and kind to his members."

"What if I didn't participate? At all." Isabel truly wanted to not be apart of it, however she was in to deep by an action that wasn't even her fault.

"You will still, unfortunately be the enemy, my dear. Beside he knows a lot." Lucius voice became huskier, "About us." Isabel froze for a second. She stepped away from his affection and faced him.

"That's why you want me to join!" she stated. Lucius knitted his eyebrows with confusion.

"Sorry my darling?" he huffed.

"Don't, 'my darling' me!" Isabel mocked, "You want me to join for your sake. You're scared that Voldemort is going to tell people about us. It was him that caught us in that drawing room; It was him that made that remark after all. If I don't join, you think your image is going to be ruined. That's why you have been so tender towards me, to persuade me." Her eyes brimmed with tears as her heart clenched.

"What? No- I- Errm" he tried to search for a response, rubbing his stubble covered cheeks in the his hands.

"I thought I was becoming more than just a fuck. Then just a mistress to you. I have feelings as well Lucius. Just because you don't show any doesn't me other people don't posses them. You're responsible for your own marriage." In all this emotion, Isabel still manage to stop herself from screaming at him. Pounding at his chest for him to give anything but a cowardly response. A stutter of words.

Lucius Malfoy - Well Darling...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora