Chapter 7- Tread Carefully

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The week continued and it was a vicious cycle of an anticipated waiting game and the satisfaction as a reward of patients. Each session becoming more and more passionate from Lucius as if it wasn't just about the sex. As if it wasn't just about treating her as a rag-doll that he could toss around and be more experimental than his other toys.

Friday came around and it was Isabel's last lesson for the day, well academically that was. Sitting in Snape's class, she felt unbothered about whether she paid attention or not. Being a Slytherin, it automatically meant that she was in his good books, a favourite (even if Snape didn't make it obvious). As Snape began lecturing a student's about for their lack of revision and knowledge, Isabel found her vision wondering towards the outside view that the gothic windows allowed. Wondering about what her Lucius were going to endorse this time, she didn't really find herself dreaming of another steamy and erotic episode, more so her dreaming of the aftermath. Her body cradled in his muscular arms, the two of them being amused by something impotent  (probably about the incapability of some people). Was this a totally absorbed thought? Probably. Lucius had a family, a wife and son. A reputation to keep up, but one could dream. "Quite provocative, Miss Montgomery?" a voice jerked her out of her fantasy, her eyes wide with sudden fear.

"Sorry, Professor?" indicating him to repeat his question.

"I said, Quite out of it, Miss Montgomery?" Snape folded his arms, awaiting a further explanation. Discreetly frantic with her fingers that scurried around with her books, Isabel tried fumbling for words being relieved for that he didn't say what she thought.

"I was... just thinking."

"About the current subject in discussion? Would you care to fill us in on your thoughts then?!" the only thoughts she could contribute to the conversations was several 'ows' and 'ahs'. "See me after class Miss Montgomery" Snape demanded before swirling his back to her. The class was filled with students gasping and chuckling at her misfortune. Slumping back down into her chair, she caught a glimpse of Draco's foul expression. An expression of if she just killed someone with importance. She turned the attention back to the class, knowing that now time would be moving painfully slow. As Snape rattled on about the significance of something, he was interrupted by the sound of freedom. The bell ringing automatically dismissed the student, disregarding Snape's authority. Isabel remained at her desk, not bothering to even trying to sneak away. After the sea of students dispersed into the halls, Snape swayed to the girl's desk, towering over it.

"Professor, I'm sorry about my lack of attention in your class. But I need to go, I can't be late for a detention." Snape perched on the desk that opposed Isabel, wrapping himself tighter in his dark, layered cloak.

"I know Montgomery. Lucius told me; he isn't to please about your actions towards Draco." Isabel angled her position, not understanding Snape. Lucius was fine with it, he even joked about it. Why did he lie, especially to someone close to him? Not giving Snape a verbal response, she stood up and made her way her exits, completely passing her professor in her self-dismissal. "Montgomery," Snape called, "Be careful." She took his words in her stride, interpreting them in the she hoped he didn't mean.

Walking towards his utopia, she could help but think about the means of these... encounters. Whether or not it was full of lust on his behalf, it changed each time. Arriving to his office, she didn't feel the need to knock only to barge in. He was expecting her. She pushed through the door to be greeted by the power profile and his wife. With this unexpected guest interrupting their future time together, Isabel straighten up her stance, not knowing how to react.

"I am so sorry for me bursting, I should have, err, knocked." She apologetically rendered, creeping slightly back out of the room.

"Isabel," Narcissa surprised of her presents, "How are you? What are you doing here?" expressing in a shocked but grateful manner, her arms opened towards her. Isabel found herself quite reluctant to say, 'just here so you husband can bend me over his desk and calling me a dirty slut multiple times,' so she decided to stick with plan b, a more PG answer

"Ohh, Flitwick gave me a detention and Mr Malfoy was kind enough to offered to take me for irt." Disappointment displayed in her answer.

"Quite the rebel," she winked, "Well, I better go." She exited swiftly. Isabel was confused at Narcissa's attitude towards the young Slytherin.  Bewildered that Draco didn't tell her what she had to him, surprised that Narcissa didn't have her in a hold against the wall for hurting her precious boy; he told his mother everything. After watching Narcissa leave, she turned her regard towards Lucius whom had his back to the room the whole time.

"How come she was here?" Isabel required awkwardly. Wondering more deeply towards the centre of the room, she treaded carefully around Malfoy sensing the was extreme tension her radiated.

"Narcissa was here discussing about future dinner plans. She likes to be organised early." He spat sharply; a sour expression deposited on his features. Taken back by the severity and harshness he carried in his tone; Isabel cowered back wanting to take back her previous question. "She, or I, are going to be hosting a gathering, I suppose." he sauntered from his position by the window to relaxing down into his leather thrown, leaning down to light a pipe. An action that took Isabel back. She could see that he was annoyed, stressed; something that was out of his control. Changing the subject slightly, Isabel pondered about the reason she was actually here. Her detention.

"Why doesn't Narcissa know why I am here?" Lucius raised his sight to face this girl.

"Because she thinks the world of you. She practically wants you to marry Draco, she isn't too keen on the Greengrass that much." Taking a break to grasp a toke of his pipe, "Anyway, you two will get over you little dispute. You're childish, petty dispute." he scolded soullessly. All of a sudden he had no depth in character, he had lost his playful touch.

"Is everything alright, Lucius?" she stepped closer to his desk, sitting opposite him. This was a risky move that Isabel took, questioning Lucius in his irritated temper.

"What?! Of course. You are being especially disrespectful today. What has gotten into you?"

"I only asked." Isabel defended.

"Maybe stay in your own fucking lane Montgomery, I would be 'alright'. I know that you have an awful lot on your plate. Too much for you empty head to comprehend"

Expelling himself from his chair, he felt revolted in her presence. This didn't make sense to her, she only asked and know she was being blamed for his behaviour whilst only spending around 30 seconds in the room. Beginning to well up, she tried to hide her tears that pricked in her eyes with the cuffs of her sweater. She tried to stay silent, stopping the weak murmurs escaping. Lucius clocked this. His look softened at the weakness of the girl. His girl. He shuddered at the sight of her state; the state that he caused. He placed his pipe down on the table and ambled towards her, crouching down just below to her level. Bringing his husky hands up and trying to place them against her dainty supple fingers.

"Darling, darling..." he whispered, he caught her hands in his and brought then down revealing her tear-stained face, cheeks red. "I am so sorry." His apology sent Isabel to convey more tears, becoming almost hysterical. He moved one of his hands grasp to the back of her head, pulling her in to his chest lovingly and letting her mewl, tears dampening his shirt. As she continued to weep into his torso, he rested his chin on the crown of her head, leading her to feel embraced in a clasp of safety and security. Her weeps soften, tears steady, Lucius pulled her away so they could becoming face-to-face. "I never meant to upset you. I would never hurt you intentionally." He affirmed, his hand stroking a stand of hair behind her ear. She nodded understanding his words. Sweeping his thumb across her under-eyes, wiping any remaining tears left; he edged his lips towards hers. Her breath sharped in response. He softly secured their lips together, consoling the girl in his palm, a smile of hers breaking the kiss. Picking her up bridal style, he took them both to his seat where she curled up on his lap, nuzzling in the crook of her neck.

"Sorry that we didn't-" she was cut off.

"Don't apologise sweetheart," he ran his fingers through her brunette locks, "If I would have known, my performance would may be better yesterday." he humorously cheeked, Isabel chuckled at his remark. 

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