Chapter 14- No Turning Back

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"No, Dumbledore! I can't. I won't" Isabel screamed at him. Her tears streaming down her face, her cheeks flushed red with raw emotion. Wiping the tears away from her face, she shook her head, her actions getting bigger and bigger the more she thought about his request. Albus, whom was kneeling below her where she sat, took her hand and consoled it in his.

"I need you to do this. I want you too. You have no idea how much this would help us. Hogwarts." As he tried to reason with her, her sobs only grew louder. "Please, Isabel. For my sake. Draco's sake. Harry's sake."

"No. No no no no." she continuously repeated as she ripped away from his hold. "Why do people ask for too much? Want too much from me?" She questioned, getting up from the chair. But before Albus could even fathom an answer, she shot into the fireplace where a swarm of green flames engulfed her for a second time that day. Dumbledore scratched his head in frustration. Maybe he did ask too much of her. Giving himself a smirk, he knew that he was right. Deep down he knew she would do the right thing.


Lucius sat slouched in his chair that looked down into the fireplace. He knew that no matter how long he stared at the stone work of a fireplace, that she will never return. That he couldn't scoop her up in his arms and take her away. That he couldn't kiss every inch of her body and tell her that everything will be okay. As the thoughts of her continued, he couldn't even bring himself to drink his bourbon. Everything reminded him of her. What started out to be mean less became very much meaningful to him. Dragging himself up from his chair, he slinked over to his liquor cabinet searching for something stronger. He couldn't be sober thinking about her. He wanted to be numb. Needed to be perhaps. Grabbing a bottle of absinthe, he poured the green liquid into a glass and took a rather large swig. He barely pulled a face at the burn that lingered in his mouth. He topped up his glass before being interrupted by a thump that came from the other side of the room. "What on earth was that-?" his voiced raised as he turned around ready to grill whoever or whatever disturbed him from his escaping thoughts. His face fell and a smile grew. "Isabel?!" he sighed, astonished that she came back. She ran towards him, her distress becoming more and more obvious. "Isabel?! What's the matter my darling?" he asked as she rushed into his arms.

"I'm sorry." She wept, "I'll join. I'll be a part of this." Burying her face deeper into Lucius clothes, he hushed her whimpers and gently stroked back her hair which was followed by a kiss. He didn't care that her tears where slowly soaking his lavished clothes, he was purely happy that she was in his embrace.

He pulled away slightly, "Don't apologise, you did the right thing," he smiled. I couldn't bare if anything happened to you and now that you are with me, I will make sure nothing will." He looked her dead in the eye not daring to break the connection. As she smiled, her cheeks blushed with embarrassment about how much she adored this man. She buried her face back into his chest and signed. She never wanted to leave his embrace.

"We better go to Voldemort, shouldn't we?" she reluctantly said. Lucius nodded slightly pulling away to plant a kiss on her forehead. He squeezed her hand slightly in reassurance before leading the innocent to Voldemort.


"Well, Miss Montgomery, I'm glad that you made the right decision." Voldemort welcomed as he sat at the head of the table. A meeting was called in order to initiate the new victim of Voldemort's cult. Isabel stared at her arm, not believing at what she just did. Her hands wrapped around her dark mark in order to relieve part of the pain. "I think you'll be quite useful!" he smiled. Her mother gave her daughter a painful smile which Isabel didn't acknowledge. As the members were dismissed, Isabel remained seated at the table for a little bit longer, still in shock about how real this was. How there was not going back. She was broken from her trance by a hand that placed upon her back.

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