Chapter 10- Careful

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The week came around and she became quite distant with the social affairs at school. Not seeing Lucius felt weird due to the sudden stop in their visit. She longed to be with him, wooed by his charm. But she would be a fool is she found herself back in his arms after the names he called her.

The presents at school became disturbed, people gossiped more than ever but Isabel submerged herself in her studies, not bothering with whatever drama was put on this term. The encounter that she exchanged with Dumbledore played in her head a lot. Maybe he was right. She was a different person when around Malfoy. The both of them.

Being instructed to be waiting at the gate at 17:00, Thursday evening. She did that that. She was surprised that Dumbledore and Snape even approved this. Lottering by the gate, she thought it weird how it was still closed. Maybe it wasn't going to open until her parents came, making sure it was completed authentic. She paced for what seemed like hours, setting a bag filled with clothes for a temporary stay by the pillar of the gate. About to turn back, she was stopped by the noise of sheer gasps behind the gates. It was her mother. Rosie. She was very much a willowy figure, very pretty pale-face with delicate features. Almond shaped eyes which complements her full yet thin red lips. A mole placed strategically to the right of her lip. She gasped as her gaze caught her daughters, not believing that was her.

"My Izzy!" she cried from behind the gate, her hands sliding between the bars to grasp her touch again.

"Mum!" she welled up as she grabbed her mother's hand. She stood back. "Why aren't the gates opening?" Puzzled, she looked to her mother for reassurance.

"Well..." Her Rosie stumbled trying to fathom an explanation. Failing to do so, she instructed her daughter to step away from the gate as she mustered a spell. A spell that her daughter had never heard of. It caused her to be able to walk through the gates as if a portal just appeared (which it did). Her mother's facial expression was swept with surprise and she mumbled, "I thought Dumbledore would have better security than that." Walking through the portal, Isabel latched onto her mother's arm, resting her weary head on her shoulder. Rosie reached across her daughter and snatched her case off Isabel, understanding how tired she was.


Although she was not at Hogwarts, time flew relatively quickly and before she knew it, Isabel was completely made up. It was the night of the event at the Malfoy Manor where she still had no clue on why she was attending. Her questions about the event were either quickly dismissed or bluntly answered. Wearing a black fitted dress that had a lower neck cut and long sleeves, Isabel felt oddly weird about attending.

They arrived at the at the mansion, the architecture tall as if it grew out of the grown. The doors swept open, inviting the Montgomery's in and greeting them was the household elves, timid and all. Joining the party, the Montgomery's dispersed into their comfortable social groups. Instead of Isabel. Isabel didn't know where to stand. She wondered the perimeter of the rooms, reminiscing of when she was last in this house, the innocents that she had last beheld. Whilst rooming, her arm was yanked, her champagne spilling onto her fine clothes. She was pulled into a room with rather expensive décor, obviously a room for show and not much use. She steadied herself, ironing out the creases out of her dress before confronting the culprit of the crime. Lucius?! She didn't know whether she should be annoyed at him, storming off the other way or happy to be faced with him and to be embraced in his arms. A smirk grew upon his devilish lips. "Miss me?!" he growled as he edged closer to the girl. Isabel couldn't answer the question as she was to conflicted in her feelings. His muscular arm wrapped around the back of her waist pulling her ever so close to him. "Oh, not this again?!" he sighed, "Not the silent treatment." She melted into his grip. The charm he conveyed was simply so... charming.

"Sorry Lucius, you simply took me off guard." She said, gazing into is menacing glance. At this point, all her morals were flung out of the window. Respect too. As his smile grew wider, he reached down to her leg and hoisted her thigh up. Her knee in line with his hip.

"You look rather ravishing, my dear. That dress is rather... convenient." His eyes trailed every inch of her body.

"Easy access you mean?!" she questioned. Biting his lips, he leant down bringing Isabel to share a passionate kiss with him. Oh, how he missed this. How he missed their lips perfectly synchronising together in perfect matrimony. The emotion that it shared. His hand trailed further down the small of Isabel's back. Reaching her perky bum, he squeezed it. Causing a giggle to escape her lips, her hand found its way to his crotch. He was rather excited. Not beating around the bush, her hands started to try and unbuckle his belt.

Click. After the handle was turned, the door slowly creaked open revealing the couple almost in plain sight. Clocking this, Lucius pulled back dropping her thigh and grabbing her dainty little hand in the grasp of his. He flung her around the room, waltzing and swaying. Isabel couldn't comprehend this. Shock stunned across her face.

"That, Miss Montgomery, is the basic of ballroom dancing." He exclaimed before turning his attention to the door. A shadow figure froze in the door way clothed in all black-hooded apparel; a spindly hand resting on the doors' handle.

"Quite the footwork Lucius." It mellowly hissed.

"Why thank you My Lord." Lucius uttered, bowing his head jitterily. The hooded figure turned around making his exist before he stopped in his tracks.

"Oh, and Lucius?!" it hummed. "Maybe don't try and fuck the potentials." An abrupt exhale escaped the figure, as if he found something rather humorous.

"What?! I'm not- What are you-" Lucius cowered back, sweat appearing upon his brow. But before he could defend himself, the figure was gone.

He returned his attention back to Isabel who still didn't have any idea what just happened. His position relaxed allowing his fingers to trail the back of her figure. "I didn't know you could waltz?" Isabel said trying to defuse any tension present. Lucius slid his other hand away from their grasp.

"I have to go my darling." He said before placing a kiss on her forehead. Before Isabel could ask any questions about what the recent events, Lucius hurried out of the room without looking back. Isabel just stood there. Alone with her thoughts as she fiddled with the tips of her fingers. She had to return back to the party without looking suspicious. Clearing her throat and smudging her lipstick back into place, she grabbed her champagne flute and strode back into the main room.

With her head buried down and both hands loosely holding her glass, she bumped into a rather scrawny boy.

"Watch where you are going!" he spat at her screwing his face up. Right now, Isabel couldn't be asked with getting into a petty conversation with Draco. Not since that her and his father practical got caught and it playing back in her mind.

"Sorry Draco." She sighed before trying to re-join the party.

"What were you doing in there alone, anyway? Being nosy, were you?" he huffed crossing his arms. Suddenly she hated this attitude. Yeah, it was funny when he did it to interrogate and belittle other students, those younger and with no back bone, but to Isabel it was just so annoying.

"Hmmm, I was fucking you Dad Draco." Is what she was thinking privately. Or though she thought.

"What?!" Draco knitted his eyebrows in disgust. Realising what she had just said, she was into deep to retract the statement she made. She couldn't deny that she said anything, it would make her look suspicious if so.

"Yeah Draco. I was fucking your father!" She sarcastically emphasised with a grim smile pulled across her face. Her eyes however fell dead.

"You're disgusting." The young Malfoy complained. "Anyway, my father has standards." He looked her up and down before leaving. She knew that it was careless for that to slip out of her mouth, but really it was technically a lie. But seeing Draco's reaction to it, It really got under his skin. Whilst she smiled to herself as she was amused by Draco's reaction, she followed the corridors back to the party. 


Author's Note: Sorry I haven't updated this in a while, just been stressed lmaoo. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter xoxo

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