Chapter 21- Replacement

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The months pasted by and Isabel stayed hidden in the Muggle world. Tucked away from the magic, she stayed in the small villages around the country side, fleeting around the place hoping it would make her harder to track and be found by the Dark Lord. Her hair longer, face thinner and figure leaner, she was almost unrecognisable. Severus helped her with these placements causing her to be even more grateful for his aid. Yet she felt so trapped. This being ironic from how much she travelled, she just wanted to be at home. Surrounded by the familiar, that's what she took take comfort in. She just wanted to be surrounded in Lucius's arms. Wanted to be smothered in his presents and told everything was alright. That they would be together finally. These were the only thoughts that kept her going. When she would take a second out thinking all is lost, she would remember his touch. His smile. His laugh. She had to go back.

An owl came to the window sill of her cottage, perching on the ledge. Dropping the letter down, it flew away in a flash leaving Isabel to pick up the delivery. It was from Severus. Being able to tell this from his distinct hand, she picked at the red wax stamp and unfolded the letter. It was instructing her where she was to go to next. She rolled her eyes at the contents of the letter and tossed it aside on the desk. Fed up of constantly being told what to do and where she had to go, she thought what if she didn't go. What if she didn't turn up to the next house, apartment whatever Severus lined up for her next. Grabbing her brief case, she stuffed all of her very few belongings and clothes into the small case, barely folding and taking care of them. Swiftly finishing, she flung on her coat and rushed out of the door. Not even waiting for a ride, she just wanted to be completely under the radar. Especially Severus's.

Isabel apparated her way from the south-country side of England to the north of Scotland. Apparating a long way for any wizard, no matter how powerful or talented, was enough to make them feel slightly queasy. Gaining back her ease, she began to stride through the secret pathways she arrived in. Knowing that the old Prefect rooms would not be in used, she decided to set up in them. Somewhere that she could hide yet see everything. It felt weird being here. A place that she was banished from and killed in. She had to be a ghost here. 

Laying her trinkets on the bed, she hesitated about her leaving the room. What was she doing?! She should have stayed under Severus's orders. He was a wise wizard; everything would end up okay in the end. But she didn't want okay, she wanted things to be magnificent. Taking one last deep breath, she realised that she couldn't enter the social of Hogwarts in these clothes, she would stick out like a sore-thumb. Swinging open the wardrobe doors, she fumbled around with the hangers trying to look for a matching set. She eventually pulled out the only matching uniform, Gryffindor . 'Yuck.' Isabel groaned to herself and rolled her head back. Anything but that. In disgust, she put on the red robes and dramatically cringed at their touch. The mirror presented an image of her that she really didn't want to see. Treachery.

Leaving the bedroom, she roamed the halls. They were empty. It wasn't a surprising sight; who would want to revisit the place where many of their friends and family were killed and brutally tortured. The walls were bare and lonely. All the paintings must have been taken down under Voldemort's control. She entered the library, a place where she could stay and not be found. Also could do some research Voldemort. The shelves had less books than she remembered; this would make research him harder, especially about him. Voldemort really had this place heavily altered and controlled. Hogwarts had become pure misery.

After hours of heavy and tiring amounts of research, Isabel noticed that the school day had come to the end. She left the Library and made her way back to the room, keeping her head down low. She pasted a familiar looking door. Lucius's Office. Bringing her hand up to the wood, she softly touched it running her fingers down the glossed beams. Isabel blushed at the memories created in this room. The scandalous beginning that caused her to blossom this huge love for that man. Isabel was caused to scurry away from those memories by noises from the other side. Hiding behind the corner of a wall, she peered around wanting to be nosey. It was Lucius. Everything in her will wanted her to call out his name and rush into his arms. Scream 'SURPRISE!' with a massive grin plastered on her face. But she didn't. She couldn't. Her attention was diverted when she saw Narcissa. However, it wasn't just Narcissa. She had a bump. A baby bump. Isabel froze. She wanted to collapse to the floor and sob. Wail and scream in pain. But she couldn't be mad. It wasn't his fault; it wasn't anyone's fault. She was supposed to be dead. Sprinting back to the old Prefect room, she slammed the door causing the framing to shudder throughout the room. Her face shoved in her pillow, muffling her cries. She couldn't believe. It made her sick, sick to her stomach. It made her sick on so many levels. Although she knew it was not her place to be upset. She was dead to him. He's also married. That is what's suppose to happen after a  marriage, children. The conversation that she exchanged with Severus in the Astronomy Tower kept replaying in her mind, she was just another mistress in his marriage. But it wasn't just about the two of them. It was also about Draco. The feeling of that they were trying to replace him. Their first born, heir and her best friend. Heart break was an understatement. 


Authors Note: I feel like this isn't a well written chapter but I hope you enjoy any way. Love you x

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