XLVII - The Waiting Game

Start from the beginning

Russia opens his mouth and electricity fills the air as America explores. Russia pushes back and returns the favor. His hands drift down, and so does the heat.

America bits him gently on the lip before pulling away. Russia feels a bit disappointed it had to end.

He pulls America down. Closer.

America gives Russia a proud smile before leaning over to whisper in his ear.

"You are quite the kisser, Ruski," America mutters.

Hot air brushes against Russia's neck. His hair stands on end and he shivers.

"You're not so bad yourself," Russia replies, his eyes only half-open. He leans in for another taste.

"Hey!" someone shouts, "we're still here you know."

Russia's head jerks back in surprise. He sees Massachusetts smirking at them and Louisiana and Philippines clapping. Texas sits behind Massachusetts and looks bemused by his siblings' behavior.

"F*cking finally," Massachusetts taunts.

"What's going on?" Canada asks.

"Papa and Russia were making out," Philippines answers.

"Oh. Good for you, Aim. You got him good, eh?" Canada says with a laugh.

Russia blushes but doesn't pull away. America giggles and buries his face into Russia's chest. Russia feels a proud smile form on his face and he hugs America just a little tighter. He nuzzles the top of America's head.

"Y'all are sweet and all," Texas says, looking a little embarrassed, "but we still got a problem."

"No sh*t Sherlock," Massachusetts replies, "but we can let them have a moment."

Texas glares at him and Massachusetts shrugs. Louisiana sighs and rubs her forehead.

"In other news," Massachusetts says, digging through the pockets of his pants. Russia watches curiously.

After a second of searching, Massachusetts holds something up victoriously.

"A phone," Russia says breathlessly.

The phone itself is nothing special. It's a simple flip phone. It looks very similar to the prepaid phones he had seen buying camping supplies.

"Well, does it work?" Finland asks.

"We're about to find out," Massachusetts replies.

Massachusetts flips it open and begins playing with the buttons. America gets up and walks over to the gate to get a closer look.

"Yes!" Massachusetts cheers.

Massachusetts begins typing.

The door to the block swings open.

One of the bigger guards walks in with two others at his sides. Russia freezes.

Texas steps in front of Massachusetts and Massachusetts finishes dialing.

The guards open the door and two of them enter and approach Massachusetts. A third stays behind to guard the cell door.

Texas moves to stay between the guards and Massachusetts.

"Touch either of them and you are dead," America threatens, clutching at the bars.

The guards shrug and shove Texas aside. Texas lands on his injured shoulder with a yelp. America throws out a hand, but the magic only sputters at his fingertips.

"You motherf*cker!" America screams.

"NO!" Massachusetts shouts, ducking to avoid the guards' advances. He clutches the phone to his chest.

"I'm not letting you have this YOU F*CKERS!" Massachusetts shouts, running around the cell, playing keep away.

Texas gets back to his feet and uses his good shoulder to buy Massachusetts time, knocking the larger of the guards to the ground with a football esque tackle.

"Yorkie-boy! Hi! Track this!" Massachusetts shouts into the phone, hopping between the cots, the smaller guard on his tail.

Massachusetts squeals when the guard grabs his ankle. He hits the cots with a bang. However, before the guard can snatch the device, he curls up around it with a scoff.

"You thought I was gonna let you have it?" Massachusetts says in a mocking tone.

The smaller guard punches Massachusetts in the face. Texas runs over, and tackles the guard off of his brother, saying something Russia assumes is Spanish curses.

"Don't touch my brother!" He screams, dropping the smaller guard and shoving back the, now recovered, larger guard.

Massachusetts pulls the phone up to his ear.

"You got it?" he asks quickly.

Then, Massachusetts snaps the phone in half and launches the pieces into the nearby wall. The halves shatter on impact.

The guards growl in annoyance. Texas stays near Massachusetts, even as they leave with the salvageable pieces of the phone, leaving most of it in pieces in the cell.

"One thing's for sure, they wouldn't be getting nothing from the darn thing," Texas comments.

Massachusetts grins, and the two high five.

"Are both of you okay?" America asks.

"I'm good," Texas answers, "my shoulder just feels a little sore. Massy?"

"Don't call me that, d*ckhead. I'm fine, dad. Much better now that the cavalry is coming."

Louisiana laughs. "They're gonna burn this whole place down," she says.

"And I for one can't wait to see them do it," America says.

Russia smiles.

America releases the bars, and with one last worried glance at Texas and Massachusetts, he walks back to the cots.

"Move your arms," he demands. Russia does so, feeling a little confused.

America sits back into Russia's lap, his legs kicked up on the rest of the cot, and Russia freezes up. His face immediately goes hot and his eyes open wide. His heart skips a few beats and rapidly pounds against his ribs.

"Meri?" Russia squeaks.

"What? You got a problem with it?" America asks, leaning his head on Russia's chest. Russia is positive America can hear just how fast his heart is pounding.

Russia shakes his head and gathers himself. He wraps his arms around America and laces his fingers together to keep his arms in place.

"Yep, definitely better than the cot," America says, tracing small shapes on the tunic over Russia's chest.

Russia grins through the mess of fuzzy feelings jumping around in his chest.

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