"It's really random and maybe even a little inappropriate, but I miss our sexy time," I chuckled burying my face into his cold neck.

"I miss the feeling of us making love, I miss how we could either take it slow or go at it like wild dogs, I miss how you would become this whole of dominant personality when you take me, but I love it and I just want you back, I need you to come back to me now because I'm getting really tired of waiting." I cried quietly tightening my arm around his chest as if he was going to squeeze me back, but he never did and deep down I knew he wasn't going to, but there is always that bit of hope that I have and that is all I had left at the moment.


Luke Brooks

I was sat down on the ground with my back against the wall and Chaz was cuddled into my chest as we looked over at a crying Justin, "Do you think he is going to wake up?" Chaz whispered and he ran his fingers through my dirty and tangled hair. 

Being in a car park doesn't give you many supplies and all that we have to was ourselves are a few bottles of water that we found in the train station but we also need them to drink, "He will wake up babe." I whispered running my hands up his sides, I couldn't believe that he was finally mine after I watched him from afar for so long, I was scared to tell him how I felt because I knew that he wasn't gay or at least he didn't think he was gay. 

It was quite funny really, Chaz and I went together to look for some supplies around the train station when we were there, but previous to that we were kind of cuddling together but I didn't think it meant anything to him. 

Anyway we were in one of the offices at the back of the station and it was pitch black, well almost because I had a torch, but it wasn't giving off much light because the batteries were running out, I had turned around at the same time that Chaz did and just like that our lips had landed on each others. 

We both stood shocked for a minute and I pulled away quickly not wanting to freak him out, it was all silent in the room and all you could hear was my laboured breathing, even though it wasn't a proper kiss it still sent tingles through my body and straight to my heart, I was shocked when he grabbed a fistful of my torn shirt and tugged me forward until our lips slammed together again with so much force it winded me, but if course I kissed him back and that's when it happened. 

Chaz told me how he felt and I blurted out what I had been feeling for a while and there we have it, I looked down at my boyfriend with a soft smile on my face as he looked over at his best friend with a worried frown, I placed a soft kiss on the top of his head making him look up at me with tired eyes and a lazy smile before puckering his lips, chuckling I leaned down and pecked his lips a few times before frowning.

"I better check on Jason." I whispered and he nodded in understanding kissing my lips once more before I stood up and made my way over to where Justin was laying with Jason. 

"Hey bro, how are you feeling?" I asked as I crouched down on the other side to where Justin was, He looked up at me with red and puffy eyes making my heart strings pull on sympathy for him.

"Not too good really, but it's whatever." He shrugged brushing off his feelings like he always did when I asked him if he was ok, I just nodded and picked up the stethoscope placing it in my ears before taking the metal bit and placing it against Jason's chest to check his heart and lungs, I nodded as I heard they were fine then I placed it against his stomach where his intestines were, all of this was done so I could hear the blood flow in his arteries and veins, I checked his pupils and his pulse as well and they were normal. 

Letting out a sigh, I turned to Justin who was looking at me expectantly making me cringe, he did this every time and I knew he was hoping that I could say he was going to wake up, but I couldn't say that and I always ended up saying the same thing, "Everything is normal." I mumbled with a sad smile wanting to look away from his disappointed eyes.

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