The fuck

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Jason McCann

I woke up with a groan, stretching my tense muscles from sleeping in an awkward position and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, rolling onto my side with my eyes still closed I ended up falling onto my ass with a loud thud making me groan and curse under my breath before pushing myself up. 

I am so not a morning person. 

Sitting on the floor and rubbing my aching ass, I heard loud footsteps coming upstairs before the door flung open and there stood my annoying brother Alex with a worried look on his face, he came rushing over to me and flung himself in my lap, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Jason baby, are you ok?" He asked in a high pitched voice, stroking my face and running his hands through my hair. 

"Alex you have ten seconds to get the fuck off me." I warned.

"But Jasey baby, you're hurt, is your bum bum ok?" He squeaked, placing kisses all over my face.

I pushed him off of me and got on my feet quickly before running out of the room. I got to the bottom of the stairs and ran into the living room where the gang were sitting looking at me like I was the freak.

Excuse me can you hear my brother? And they are looking at me like that?

"I love you Jasey come back, let me kiss your bottom better baby." He squealed to resemble I don't even know what as he chased after me. 

The gang burst into hysterics at us as I ran through the kitchen and into the garden with him following close behind me and the gang followed him laughing their asses off and egging him on. 

May I remind you that I am only in my boxers. 

"Fuck off Alex." I shouted, running around the edges of the garden.

When Alex gets like this it is funny, but it also can get annoying because he only ever seems to want to annoy me and not anyone else, but maybe that is my own fault for letting him do it, then again I love it because it makes me feel somewhat normal.  

I decided to take a chance and run back into the house to lock myself in my room, but when I ran through the middle of the garden I tripped over a rock and fell flat on my face, Alex ran over to me and sat on my back and I groaned, trying to get up but he held me down harshly. 

"Oh Jasey boo, I caught you." He cheered, rubbing my shoulders and kissing my cheek that wasn't laying flat against the ground. 

"Alex, get the fuck away from me." I demanded, but couldn't help the laugh that escaped me from his his stupidity. 

Once he finally got off of me and helped me up, I looked over to the door and the boys were literally crying with laughter, holding their stomachs and clapping their hands like seals. 

I cracked up even more as I walked towards the house, when Alex kissed my cheek again and grabbed my hand swinging it back and forth and gripped my arm with his other hand. I pushed him off me and gave him a weird look before walking into the house to get breakfast everyone else following me as their laughter turned into small chuckles. 

"What do you want for breakfast baby?" Alex asked, walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I swear I am going to kill this kid.

I looked at him with a glare on my face that would make anyone fear me, "Alex, I swear to god." I threatened and he put his hands up in defence and backed away from me slowly.

"Ok, what do you want for breakfast Jason?" He smiled sarcastically when he was far enough away from me and I nodded in approval.

"Whatever everyone else is having." I spoke huskily before clearing my throat. 

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