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Jason McCann

Everyone followed me to the back door as I pulled the secured wood off of it so that we could go out that way. I looked out of the window of the back door and there were a few wondering around the garden, but most of them were at the front of the house and currently trying to get in.

Looking back at the boys they all looked completely terrified apart from Justin who looked pretty deep in thought about something and then it was like watching as his mind clicked as his eyes went wide and he looked at me with a small smile.

"What is it babe?" I asked and everyone looked at him.

"I just remembered about my underground garage, I have cars in there and I forgot about it because I was too worried about what was going on." He mentioned quickly and I nodded.

"Great where is it? How do we get down there?" I murmured, thumbing at his chin softly and watching as his face fell.

"That's the thing, we have to go out the back because the garage is at the side of the house and we need to press the button on the wall to get down there." He explained.

Shrugging, I nodded in understanding and sighed, "Well either way we have to go outside so lets do it, we should take two or three cars."

"I have three range rovers down there so we can take those because they would be the most practical, there would be no point in taking the fast cars as they only fit two people in at a time and they make way too much noise." Justin explained.

There was loud growling now and we all turned our heads to see why it had sounded so much louder than it did a few moments ago to see that the walkers had broken through the wood and were starting to make their way quickly into the house and towards us.

"Let's go, move." I whisper shouted, motioning towards the door I had pulled the wood off.

Justin pulled out his machete and Luke ripped the door open, all of us running out and beginning to make our way to the garage that Justin had told us about. I saw two walkers coming towards me so I shot them both in the head while running to the side of the house with Justin next to me because I told him not to leave my side.

He cut off a walkers head, the blood flying from the knife and landing on his clothes as he did so, but he ignored it and continued to run just like I had told him to do.

The gunshots were being fired from every angle and the loud noise from the bullets were attracting the walkers from the front to come to the side where we were and I had realized that we forgot to put the silencers onto the guns.

There was about a hundred of them, maybe more.

"Shit." I shouted as I took in what could possibly become our deaths.

We got to the side of the house and to the outside of a large metal shutter and Justin pressed a button at the side of it and began to put in a code for the big garage door. When he finished it, the gate started to open, but it wasn't fast enough for me because the walkers were getting closer and closer to us the more time we spent standing there.

Of course we kept on shooting them, my hands flying from every direction to try and get as many of them as possible, but that was when I heard a scream of complete pain sounded over the growls and grunts from the walkers, it sounded over the gun shots and the metal gate creaking.

I looked to my side with frantic eyes and saw James getting attacked and ripped apart by a walker further away than we all were, "No." I screamed, running towards him with Justin screaming for me to come back because he didn't want to lose me.

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