Night Walkers

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Jason McCann

Stretching my leg out with a sigh to release the trapped a nerve, I stretched my leg out again trying to sooth the ache in my muscles before cuddling closer to Justin as he slept peacefully with his face buried into my chest. 

I chuckled quietly when he let out a cute little snort in his sleep and his nose scrunched up in disgust as if he were having a conversation with someone in his dream, I lifted my hand up and placed the tip of my finger on his nose making him scrunch it up again before lifting his own hand and smacking mine away making me laugh in amusement, I repeated my previous action and Justin did as well mumbling a, "Stop it." 

Can this man get anymore fucking adorable? 

Letting out a sigh, I buried my face into his neck before tightening my arms around his slim waist and pulling him further into my chest if that was even possible. I still cant get over the fact that I was out of it for so long, even times where I have been shot or stabbed I was always up in a few hours, a couple of days at the most, but that is ridiculous, I couldn't even imagine how Justin was feeling and I wouldn't want to imagine it. 

I am amazed at how long they have survived with having to carry me around everywhere, well it was only to here, but I don't even know how far this is from where we were before, I could see as soon as I came around from my slumber, that each and everyone of the group are giving up the will to live, it's like they just don't want to fight it anymore and just let whatever is going to happen, happen. 

I am not going to let them give up so easily though, I wont let them just think that their lives aren't worth living anymore just because of what is going on out there, I don't have much hope left to be honest, but I have never given up without a fight and I don't plan on starting to do that now.

It's not even about pride any more because that is all I cared about before any of this had happened.

It's just about living life to the fullest as it is right now, it's about making sure everyone is safe no matter how they are feeling about the situation, it's about showing that no matter what life throws at us we can make it, well we can at least try our damn hardest to do so. 

I hate seeing the look of defeat in my lovers eyes, I hate the look of pure exhaustion in all of their gazes, but they need to carry on and they need to believe in themselves, that they can do it.  

Letting out a sigh, I tried to will myself to sleep, but it just didn't seem to be working, nothing was on my side at the minute and it made me pout to myself as I looked around the dark car park apart from some lanterns in each of the corners of it. 

I could see the locked doors from here slamming against the chains repeatedly as the walkers tried to get through, their growls and rough whines blaring against the concrete walls in hunger and obvious anger as they couldn't get through the solid pieces of metal, but I knew that they weren't going to last much longer and I have no clue on how we are going to get out of here in one piece. 

With that in mind, I carefully got out of Justin's strong grip and replaced my body with a pillow to make sure that he would stay asleep because he needs as much sleep as he could get, I don't know why I can't sleep, but I guess it's because I want to keep watch that nothing happens, the doors are not secure enough and I want to be awake to make sure that nothing is going to happen suddenly, the group have been looking after me and now it is my turn to look after them otherwise I wouldn't forgive myself.

Walking over to the slamming doors, I tried my best to ignore the grimy and blood covered hands that were passing through the hole in the middle and looked closely at the chain that was breaking under the pressure of the zombies, I frowned and bent my knees a little so I could see the chain better only to not like what I was seeing, the chain was definitely snapping and it honestly wont be long until it does snap so I think that we need to get moving within the next two hours. 

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