You'll what?

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Alfredo Flores

I groaned in pain as I sat on the sofa with a cup of cold water against my bruised face, not believing that Jason beat me up like that.

Who the hell does he think he is to put his hands on me like that?

I was only messing around with him and he felt the need to nearly kill me?

Of course, I know I brought up his brother and I kind of regret that because I'm not completely heartless. but to nearly strangle me to death because of it.

Him and Justin have not long gone upstairs doing god knows what, probably fucking each other because that is all they seem to do, everyone thought that I was passed out the whole time, but I woke up hearing moans and groans coming from the kitchen and it pissed me off.

It should be me making Justin pleasured and moaning my name not Jason.

That fucker has just come into all of our lives and messed it up without even trying, if he never came that day, I could have moved in on Justin with all of this happening, he would have needed someone to comfort him and I could have been that person, not Jason.

Even Ryan and Chaz seem to like they get along well with him and have even warned me to back off of the couple because apparently they really like each other in such a short amount of time, note my sarcasm, get bloody real.

And another thing that really annoys me is that Chaz looks at him like he's fucking god.

What Justin said to me earlier really hurt because at the end of the day, I am supposed to be his best friend and he talks to me like that? Maybe I have been a little bitchy and deserved some of it, but that doesn't make me a heartless monster like he thinks I am because I'm not one.

When he said I deserved Jason beating me to a pulp hurt, it felt like he was basically saying that it was ok for Jason to nearly kill me just because of something stupid that I said.

I cannot believe he heard what I said to Jason in the kitchen though and I admit I took it too far by bringing up his brother, especially when he only lost him a few days ago and I know that it is no excuse for what I did, but I felt a power take over me when I saw him tense and try to ignore me, I felt like I was controlling him, but boy was I wrong because I was only pissing him off more.

Never have I witnessed someone's eyes turn pitch black like that before, unless you count the horror movies I have seen, it was fucking creepy and honestly I don't think I want to have those eyes look at me again.

I guess Jason means a lot more to Justin than I do at the moment, but that doesn't mean I'm giving up. Oh no, I would get beat up like this all day and everyday just to have him because he is mine and has always been mine.

Justin Bieber

Currently, I was stood by the window with my arms crossed over my chest as I looked out into the street with blank eyes because of course there is nothing else for me to do.

Jason is in the toilet doing god knows what, probably messing with his hair as usual, even though all of this is going on in the world he still says that he wants his hair to be on fleek.

Smiling small at that thought and shaking my head softly, I started to think I smiled small at that thought then started to wonder if I would have ever met Jason if none of this had started.

Would it have been possible that I could bump into the worlds most wanted gang boss with all of my security and shit, probably not because he would not be able to have gotten within three meters of me.

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