Hazel Green

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Justin Bieber

We pulled over at the side of the road because we were all a little tired, the car doors were locked and we were all trying to get some sleep because there weren't many walkers around where we were right now so we thought it would be ok. 

Jason and I were on the back seats of my car and he was laying down on his back while I lay on top of him, my face hidden in his neck and my arms wrapped around his torso while he had his arms around my waist and our legs were entangled together, his cheek against the side of my face and we had a blanket wrapped over our bodies. 

To say I was uncomfortable would be a lie, Jason is very comfy to lay on, his body is toned and hard, but somehow soft at the same time, he gives me a comfort that no bed could ever give me. I was just laying there thinking about everything while Jason slept quietly breathing in my ear as his hot breath tickled me the side of my face. 

I moved my head a little bit to look up at him and he had his lips parted a little bit and his eyebrows were furrowed the slightest bit, to say he didn't look adorable would also be a lie, I smiled a little then kissed his cheek lightly and buried my face back into his warm neck and let out a small sigh. 

I miss my mum scolding me because I was wearing my pants too low or when she would always make me smile just with her being around me, the way she knew if there was something wrong with me in an instant or she always made me believe in myself that I can achieve anything. 

I miss my baby brother and sister and how Jazzy would always make me play tea parties with her and her teddy bears or when she would make me play princesses and try to put make up on my face or when she would call me Bieber all the time.

When she sang along to my songs and always gave me cuddles, I miss Jaxon and the way he used to copy me, he would always want to be with me and want to dress up like me and have his hair like mine because he said that he looked up to me, how he would say my name in his adorable baby voice and try to say swaggy. 

Smiling at the thoughts, my face then fell as all these thoughts started to consume me and there was no escaping them now. 

I miss my dad and the way we would always do stuff together when we could, When he used to take me fishing or to ice hockey games, he would teach me how to play all different sports and as I got older I got better and he didn't like it when I beat him at something, the way when I was little I would sing and he would tell me to shut up because I wouldn't stop singing, when he told me to compete with how many tattoos he had and I was only just getting started. 

My grandparents, My nan always had amazing home cooked food ready when I went to visit and she always made amazing cookies they were to die for, her cuddles, the way she always thought I was still her little grandson but I was all grown up, the way she knew when I was upset if she saw me straight away or when she would make me clean my room before I left to go anywhere. 

My grandpa was like my second father, I would basically do the same things with him I would my father, except for the extreme sports because I wouldn't want him hurting himself, I was really close with my grandpa, I really looked up to him when I was little and I still do, the rest of my family as well, we were all really close.  

I miss Kenny he was like my big brother, whenever I did anything wrong he would always have my back, but when it came to protecting me he was always serious and it was actually funny to see a completely different side of him when he's working and when he isn't, he would always try and wake me up and when I never he would literally throw me over his shoulder to make me wake up, he was a big guy that was serious about his job, but to me he was a big soft teddy bear really, he loved everyone and never had a bad thing to say about anyone or anything.

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